Money Studies to Add to Your Happiness::Abandoning Attachment to Money


A study conducted by American psychologist Daniel Kahneman, Ph.D. and colleagues titled "High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being.

This is a study on annual income and well-being.
According to the study, life satisfaction improves as income increases, but only up to about $75,000 per year, after which the level of life satisfaction plateaus. After that, it hits a plateau.

The fact that there is no change in happiness even if one earns more than $75,000 a year made me realize that one does not need to earn an infinite amount of money to be happy. I don't need to make an infinite amount of money.

Of course, we need a minimum amount of money to survive. Some people may feel unhappy because they just don't have that money. The important thing to remember is that just because you make a lot of money, your level of happiness does not increase in proportion to the amount of money you make. We don't need to be bound by the dark cloud of earning money and sacrifice our precious time with ourselves and our families in order to earn money." I learned from the results of this study that "money is a means to an end.

However, if money becomes the purpose of one's life, happiness will be far away, and I have decided to give up my attachment to money.

As a result of losing my attachment to money, a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I felt a great sense of ease. Now, I am able to experience even greater happiness by letting go of my attachments to everything else, besides money.

This is the end of this article.
Thank you for reading to the end. ^^ ^^

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