A warm greeting to y'all and special thanks to @tripode for this amazing contest.
Mother's are the female parent and a very strong support system to the family, children and the community at large. They are walking miracle.

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Although God is almighty and omnipresent but I believe that mother's are his direct ANGELS to all the family on earth. A mother could be likened to a Hen that will always defend her little chick against any form of attack, I mean they can't help it. You dare not go near to a chick when it's mother is at the scene. I watch African women go almost naked to defend their kids, husbands and love ones against any form of attack.

Today in the African society, 80% of attendees in a church services are mothers, they are either fasting or praying for answers to problem facing the kids or her spouse. Atimes the prayer is extended to her in-laws and immediate extended family.

Go to the market the women are highest number of traders and buyers. I have heard a number of them say "I can't watch my children starve to death, I must ensure that the eat something and that's why I am here to sell wether under the sun or rain". What will another not do for the people she loves. Their love is beyond what words could explain, it can never be fathomed.

Mother's are planners, they will always think of our tomorrow even when it doesn't seem forth coming, they belief so much in us even when there's nothing worth holding up to.
Mother's are indeed strong considering the fact that she works herself out and must still summit her body to her husband to get maximum satisfaction then she still needs to be up tho prepare breakfast and set the house on order before daybreak. I marvel at their strength most atimes.
They seat up late to watch our little head when growing and we continuously suck their rich apple into a fried-egg shape yet they'll still be gracious enough not minding the body shaping and what motherhood has turned them into..

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Their once beautiful skin now has stretch-mark, wrinkles and dark spots everywhere but she counts it all joy even when her figure 8 is now size 12, she yet will always wear a smile of encouragement to everyone she comes across.

An exceptional and excellent team mate that's what I will call them, very good at covering up lapses and with their magical touch, makes all things glow again.
I am proud to be a woman
I am proud that I am a Mother
I am most blessed to be a Female.
I salute all the Mum in the world.

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Mothers keep being you, keep being strong ...❣️❣️❣️

I invite @milymillions and @glotokens to take part in his post.
Here is the contest link here


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