Operation stay awoke begins in my street

unity and strength

Operation-stay-awoke begins in my area. It started last night. Last night was a day of unrest. From the distance we could hear police sirens and multiple gunshots, in light of this the youth in my street and the next street took the initiative to engage operation-stay-awake immediately; arming one another with crude tools such as axe, cutlass, hoes, spade, dagger, iron.rod, bamboo sticks, stones and bottles. As robbery is best said than experienced.

If you read my previous post, I did shed light on operation-stay-awake at the footer of the post. A noisy movement of a crowd that involves people in a community, armed with crude tools; setting ablaze of worn out tyres at the doorsteps entering and exiting their street, making loud noises in preparedness to resist and fight the rampage of hoodlums terrorizing communities under the low radar and coverage of the police security with robbery attacks and nothing-to-steal induced murder during this lockdown.

Right now as I write this post, the time is just 11:27pm and I can already hear the rowdy noise of plastic trumpets and whistle coupled with clutches of machetes roaring in my street. We got a bit of information from other communities that have suffered disaster from the hands of these hoodlums on the news. They said these hoodlums come in thousands and register their attacks at the same time like they are omniscient. At a go, they could be attacking more than 20 communities at a time in multitudes. No wonder they call themselves ONE MILLION BOYS.

Given the menace with hoodlums, I am not sure I will be having a good night sleep in the coming days to come. These are the rotten consequences of the lockdown and fruits of bad government who didn't build the country to where it is supposed to be.

pic from https://twitter.com/@ncdcgov

The sad part is that the number of Covid-19 cases keeps increasing drastically from 1, now the number of cases has risen to 493. With 159 discharged and 17 deaths. I wonder if we'll ever go back to our normal lives anything soon because the poor masses yet to receive any palliative from the government are dying of starvation and potential robbery attacks.

This time is the most difficult period in my region and in the whole world. Covid-19 nuisance, starvation and robbery attacks.

To add more salt to the injuries, I have been having this strange headache since morning, suffering from 20+ power outage, bombarded with online classes and assignments. Shit I'm damn fatigued and in a couple of minutes I will be heading outside to join forces with the community in operation-stay-awoke. Trouble here and there. Lol.

I wish this was just a bad dream but I can't believe this is a sad reality of life.

attention: cover image is a property of pixabay.com

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