Cultivating your own inner garden. Part 1 - Concepts


Those who already like plants will know, more time and dedication you put on an garden, beautier it will become.

Flowers of all kinds, releasing their fresh aroma all over the environment... its priceless! Unless you are paying an professional garden keeper, of course.

But anyway, how would someone be paid to make non physical plants to flowerish?

We are talking about minds here, about being present in the moment and doing the best just for this given time-space that we have some control of. Can we change the past? We really can not, but we might be able to manipulate the future, as its the reflex of the past, and the past, for the future, is constructed of many nows.

As you read this article, you are giving yourself the chance to understand how the present is more important than any other fraction in our time-line.

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The inner garden concept

In our current world, of fast information at our thumbs, we are always thinking about something that does not really matter, things we have no control of, and we keep on regurgitating bad ideas on our minds, over and over, until we get sick.

The rule is simple, if you can not control the variables of given thing, then its not worth your brain processing time, principally if its corrupting the processing capabilities for something bigger and more useful, such as blooming your own mind flowers.

You can not really pay an mental garden keeper to go into your mind a few times a week and fertilize the "plants" for you, the closest we have for this is an therapist, and a therapist can not do much if not allowed inside. At the end, the success for any kind of therapy is purely credited to you, and it means something, at least for me..

In my opinion, an therapist can be just as good as knowing things we do not know. So, if we had the skills and knowledge of an therapist, we would do way greater in a much shorter time. "But an therapist studied years to do its job!", that is true, they will hold an much greater arsenal to combat mental disorders, but most of their weapons are futile if you had built walls thick and tall enough to feel secure from the outside world.

We are the only ones who can open the doors of those walls, we are the only ones who can allow for a change on ourselves. The therapist might have some tricks on how to convince you to open the doors, but if the doors is heavy enough to not be pushed open easily, then its still improbable to allow the changes to happen.

Now lets suppose your walls, no matter the strength, could finally be open, offering an passage for the professional to go in and work inside. Still keeping the gardening concept, you open your fortress doors for the garden keeper to do its job, but the professional forgot its tools! where is the fertilizer needed for that specific plant that you see dying as the time passes? Did you tell the professional about this plant and what was happening to it? Is it starving? drying? maybe worse, there is an pest on it!?

The therapist will only be as great as you allow it to be, the process of elevating and releasing the bridges for your castle is exhausting, if you are doing it too often, its probable to be doing wrong. Now whats always being protected by the wall? who holds the easiest access to the inside of the mental fortresses? Their owners.

Its fine and very plausible to trust and follow the wisdom of someone more prepared for the gardening, but its important to do it yourself, as nobody will be daily watering your soil, pruning the old decaying branches of your trees, or shaping your shrubs. They may go inside the walls and help you do those tasks, but they are only helping, not doing the chores for you, and so, an beautiful inner garden is trully priceless, because theres your own blood on it, and this kind of resources will never have an price properly evaluated. The value of our own energy will never be brought by modern ways of acquisition.

We are on an world where people steal others without punitions, not talking about pshycal stealing where someone will throw their sticky hands at your valuables, but taking about how people go in our unwalled gardens to steal and poison our flowers, they may be as rude as slicing your favorite plant straight of its soil, or they may be as slick and stealth as taking leaf by leaf as we keep on allowing them inside. No matter how greedy and envious others will be about your flowers, we need to be alert of our own garden to notice whats missing.

Some already have this perspective, and will have really big walls to protect an really valuable collection of rare plants spread across an unbelievable rich biodiversity of goodness. Others will have even bigger walls to protect an battlefield, composed of destruction and emptyness, where did this type made an mistake? in keeping to strength the walls and forgetting about what its supposed to protect, should had focused a bit on planting some seeds found around or saplings gifted from good friends.

Its paradoxically an mistake to focus on building the wall, as it also holds an really big potential for overcomes, you already have an really strong wall, with really heavy doors being kept by really resilient soldiers. All that is left to do, is to finally start designing your inner garden, and once you complete the first cycle of planting, keeping and harvesting, you will become addicted to taking care of your own little heaven.


In this article we first understand some general concepts about how to cultivate good thoughs in our minds. The part 2 will further digest this concept, explaining how to apply it on our daily lifes, and how to exponentially start being happier on an safer mindset, focusing on what matters and letting bad thoughs aside, because they are poison for our beautiful "flowers of life".

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