"When corona ends" initiative (and a short intro)

Short introduction

I'm not too keen on putting all my personal info out there (the web in general), but to connect on the platform I guess I have to get out of my comfort zone a bit.
I haven’t properly introduced myself yet so far while I’m trying to understand how the platform works, so here goes nothing.


I’m in a girl in my 20’s and trying to find my place in this world. The coronavirus has made me do some serious soul searching and I’ve been reflecting on my life as is and I feel this is the time to break certain patterns. As I'm doing so, I thought why not start blogging about it at the same time, that's when I discovered Hive and decided to join.

Someone gave me some tips in comments (thank you again for that) and that's why I'm writing this in peakd so that hopefully, soon I understand how to deliver a blog that looks appealing. Until then, please be patient, lol.

Several days ago, I found this post by @theycallmedan: @theycallmedan/whencoronaends-initiative and I felt this was a good time to start writing here as I like to join this initiative. Although I haven't used Twitter for years and can't share my post there, I thought I should join anyway. Sorry that I can't share it there, I hope it's not a problem.

What will you do when COVID 19 ends?

A great question, and something that I’ve been asking myself the past days as well. Let’s see if I can break it down.
This initiative is to share what you're looking forward to doing again.
• What are the first three activities you'll do when the coronavirus is over, and why?

The first thing
Is booking a holiday that I’ve probably already planned out having several options (plan A,B,C as you can’t really predict how everything plans out in a few months). I really need something positive to look forward to and being inside honestly is driving me crazy some days. So the first thing for me is not to run outside immediately, but I will try to book a holiday asap so I have something relaxing to look forward to in the nearest future possible.

The second thing
Hang out in a park somewhere to enjoy the people around me and also (hopefully) nice weather. Of course, have a nice drink and some food afterward as well. This will be the first time in months that I’ve had a beverage outside of my house.

The third thing
Meeting up with friends and pick up other social activities like going to the gym. I know this one is not really one thing, but a group of things. It actually depends a bit on when it ends, what my friends are up to etc. It will be good to be working out in the gym some days a week again. I miss that, and I also miss hanging out with friends.

So this was my contribution to the initiative, I hope (besides the tags mentioned in the initiative) that I used the right tags because I went through some other posts and looked at the used tags, stay safe!

source image: https://pixabay.com/photos/covid-19-mask-coronavirus-corona-4969674/

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