Playing It Safe Is Riskier

A long time ago, on a distant land that was surrounded by a large body of water on all sides, a storm started to form on the sea and it could could be seen by all inhabitants when standing on the shore.

Frightening dark clouds that seem even darker during twilight. The wise among them held a round table meeting to decide the course of action in regards to the fast approaching storm.

For some, building a comfortable bunker beneath their homes was the way to weather the storm. No matter how dark the clouds may be, they say, it will only brush through them and go on its way like previous storms.

A few others disagreed, stating that the impact of the storm shouldn't be underestimated. Safely hiding beneath their homes might be a one way street to nowhere. Rather, they should build a fleet and explore unchartered lands.

As the discussion continued both parties where reluctant to understand the other's viewpoint, so the divide began and each party wished well for the other party. While the fleet builders were building, the bunker folks were also working on creating their bunkers for the storm ahead.

When the storm finally approached, the fleet and its boarders were on their way towards uncharted lands while those that stayed behind were safely tucked in their bunkers.

Amidst the heavy downpour, the ground quaked and the cracks were quickly filled with water that gradually submerged the island soon after the storm had passed.

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Safe Until It Isn't Safe Anymore

During times of uncertainty, we normally default into choosing the path of least resistance. Since we do not know what will happen next, we find comfort in picking the seemingly safe option and watch things unfold.

But as many of us have found out, it's often too late to change course from that position when things start unfolding. And we realise we're in a sort of a cage.

Of course, by all means. Safety is important. But in my opinion, it shouldn't be the sole determinator when we make decisions as we will end up losing more than we gain just to be safe. From personal experience, anytime I choose to play it safe I lose big time.

My intuition sometimes tell me that with change being constant, safety is a temporary way to soften or stop the tides of change. Eventually, change will sweep it away. So anything that is safe could be one or two changes away from not being safe anymore.

A 9 to 5 job is safe until high inflation happens and the good pay isn't enough anymore to cover the cost of living.

Growth, Evolution And Adaptability

Perhaps, one of the reasons why the dinosaurs became extinct after the giant asteroid hit the Earth was because they tried to play it safe instead of exploring foreign territory.

Playing is safe is mostly instinctive, we're not keen on venturing into the unknown. To some, the unknown is unknown and should be left that way. This stems from the view that everything bad comes from the unknown. Which is true, but so also is everything good.

Growth, as in evolution, happens at the intersection between the known and the unknown. Playing it safe is like resisting the irresistible change. It only works temporarily. Might as well roll the dice, override our instincts and explore the edge. It really isn't always bad.

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