Flowing With Changing Mental States

Chaos isn't an absence of structure. It is the source of all structures.

Much like our emotions, our thoughts are always changing. Sometimes, we think a lot. other times, we think too little or not at all. Between, these two extremes, there are many variations.

A key takeaway for me with mental states is there very susceptible to outside influences.

In a way, our thinking is heavily based on what we consume or what our five senses are exposed to. I think the saying you are what you eat can be transposed into the mental sphere, which is we are what we think about. Of course, who we are is a relative and subjective concept.

Now, changing mental states is arguably a natural phenomena that we all experience similar to weather changes in the external world.

Experientially, it seems subtle, which is obvious, because our mental state isn't tangible. But with a bit of awareness, one can begin to discern when the mental atmosphere is sunny, windy or stormy.

Awareness And Choice

From my own experience and observations, certain mental states feel like a drag, an anchor that keeps you enclosed in a particular range of thoughts.

For example, you have a conversation about the current state of the world with a dear friend and this triggers a downward spiral of thoughts.

Similarly, a conversation with another friend about a personal triumph or a funny anecdote could trigger an upward spiral of thoughts and a feeling of inspiration.

With awareness, we can acknowledge the shift in mental states without letting it dictate our entire day(or week).

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Also, through awareness, there's choice and the ability to shift our mental state just like changing the channel on a television.

In practice, this could entail a brisk walk in nature or a few minutes spent practicing mindfulness meditation.

This approach doesn't mean ignoring our thoughts or forcing positivity, as it tends to be the interpretation of it at first glance.

Instead, it's really about acknowledging them with impartiality(and perhaps, compassion) while proactively steering our thoughts in a healthier direction.

Let's say we're in a dark place and we saw something on the ground that looks to us like a snake at first glance. We become sacred and terrified but upon further inspection and after sometime, it begins to dawn on us that this is just a rope!

This is one of the best analogies about thoughts and emotions I've came across so far. It changes how we perceive them, which significantly reduces how they influence us.

Both thoughts and emotions can be perceived as waves – some gentle ripples, others crashing titans. By simply being aware of these waves, we can choose how to respond when and after it hits us.

Naturally, we can't control the ocean, what we can do is learn to surf its currents, using them to propel us towards the direction towards the direction of our choice rather than being pummeled by them.

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