Doing Away With Unnecessary Complexity

It's so easy to get off track these days. It only takes one notification to shift from one mental/emotional state to another. This could be fine when the work is done already. But unwarranted breaks on an unfinished work is a good way to never get anything done.

Unnecessary complexity in the context of this post means the existence of intricate elements that add little to no value to a system, process or situation.

Overthinking during times of difficulties is an unnecessary complexity for example. So also is having excessive options to choose from in any given situation.

In various domains of life, unnecessary complexity can affect productivity, decision-making, and quality of life overall. The opposite of unnecessary complexity is neccesary simplicity.

Simplicity itself is not a one size fits all approach. However, it can lead to an improved mental state, better use of resources, or even creating a more streamlined process.

But first, we must look into the cause of unnecessary complexity.

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The Roots Of Unnecessary Complexity

At the core of it are the psychological factors that are running on the background of our conscious mind. There's this fear we experience that often leads us into excessive multitasking, overcommitment, and a constant pursuit of new options.

It pushes us towards trying a lot of things because we could be missing out on opportunities or experiences. Under the effects of FOMO, our lives can be complicated and cluttered with unnecessary activities.

Adjacent to it is a personality trait that I think all of us carry by default. Striving for flawlessness and sometimes setting excessively high standards. As perfectionist, we overthink and overcomplicate tasks, processes and decisions. All in the name of seeking an ideal or perfect outcome.

Incidentally, this can lead into excessively planning in which we become reluctant to make decisions i.e analysis paralysis.

Further away is the new age of consumerism-driven world we live in. We're presented with an overwhelming number of choices in various domains of life. Be it picking what food to eat or what leisure activities to engage on.

No doubt that having options can be empowering but when it is excessive, decision fatigue easily sets in. For me, decision fatigue should be avoided because it is a state where we can't make conscious decisions for ourselves anymore.

Simplifying Unnecessary Complexity

Despite the roots looking deep and its branches extending further out, it only takes awareness to put everything on check. With awareness, the unconscious becomes conscious.

Being aware of it is more than half the work but it is not all the work. The other part is taking action to modify course. This will depend on the individual. But a general rule is to set boundaries. This way, one can identify and prioritize the essentials while leaving the non-essentials outside the door.

A favourite of mine is minimalism and decluttering. I've experienced that getting rid of excess belongings and organizing spaces greatly reduces visual and mental clutter. Which can be great in promoting a sense of calm and clarity.

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