30-Day Blogging Challenge Day 4: ALONE BUT NOT LONELY

What's up!!! Here I am resuming @tegoshei's Let's Do A 30-Day Blogging Challenge!!!! I'll skip day three and proceed to day four because my daily life is really not interesting. Ahaha!


The 4th day of blogging challenge is about relationship. Are you single or are you double? HAHA! Well, just like my daily life, my romantic life is not interesting either because there is none. But I am not lonely just to be clear. Uh-uh!!! That's why the title of this post says "Alone but not lonely." I did have a few suitors before (wow lol) but none have successfully persuaded me to be in a relationship (dang that high standards. lol joke!) that's why, just like tegoshei, I am no boyfriend since birth (shortened as NBSB). Maybe we should put up an NBSB club! Lol. I am not really comfortable writing about such things but I am challeged to write about it.

Most people believe they should be married or be in a relationship by 30, if not, you're a loser and will grow old alone. It's the norm that was ingrained in our minds, even with my friends. I remember we had a sleepover and most of what we did was talk about relationship, marriage, and putting me on spotlight interrogating me why I am still single while lowkey telling me I'll grow old alone if I don't find one, pronto! When I told them I have other important priorities than relationship, the more they insisted that it's not the right choice, that I should do this and not that. One of them even kept saying that she's already ready to get married. Like it would change my mind and I should too! Anyway, my values for relationship are not easily swayed by mere opinions. Good thing I didn't tell I want to be that rich single aunt just so I could annoy them. Lol!

I believe you should get married when you're ready not because you don't want to be single before or by 30; not because the majority thinks it is the requirement as you age; not because it is the norm; not because your family and friends say so. I don't know why people make you feel like it's shameful to be single. At least we don't expend our energy to petty fights. Ahah! Well, not all couples are happy but not all singles are lonely too!

Ah, so much rant for this post. I told you I have nothing interesting to share, so might as well write my frustrations about social pressure instead! Hahaha! You are meant to live the life you are destined with. Their pattern is not yours to follow. But of course, no matter how people see me as someone who has no interest with relationships, I am definitely hopeful to be in one when the time is right.

For now, I am alone.. but not lonely. :)

Good morning!

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