Delicate little roses and an exciting cultural festival in my city.

Hello hivers, happy Friday to you all!
Today, in my city (Pistoia, Italy) start a festival dedicated to the anthropology of the contemporary called "Dialoghi sull'uomo" (literally means "Dialogues on man" where "man" is for humanity). Thanks an exciting program, for 3 days there will be a lot of conferences in the main square of the city with a lot of authors who will dialogues about the theme of this year "Narrare humanum est", interesting talks about stories and the importance to tell the stories. A lot of interesting people will talk on the stage, many italian authors and also some international guest like James Clifford, a known american anthropology!
Every year a lot of people from different part of my country come to my city to partecipate and it's beautiful to see all that people interested in a cultural event.

Well, I'm so excited for the festival (tomorrow, in the bookstore where I work, we will have a meeting with one of the authors who dialogues during the festival), but now I'm here to share with you some pics I took of the small pink roses my hubby gave me this morning (so romantic, right? _ ):




I like so much roses and this little ones, so similar to the wild roses we can find in the woods close to my city, looks so delicate, but I know they are strong. ❤️ I like to think that behind a delicate form is hiding a great strength. ❤️

Now I have to go to the bookstore, but stay tuned to see my latest artworks (maybe it will be inspired by the roses _ ).
See ya soon and stay safe,

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder ( and on Etsy ( I invite you to visit my NFT gallery on NFT Showroom ( ^_^ ****

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