Hello! Hola! Bonjour! Newbie here.. Introducing myself..

This is Shahran

This will be my first post here on this platform, writing about me, introducing myself. I usually am an ambivert person. So, trust me, it's not that easy for me to break the ice. But, one quote that I always remember in times like this is "Just do it." yes, it's the slogan of Nike, and it's been very helpful to me. Enough side talk! Now let's bore you with some details about me, huh?
I'm from Bangladesh and currently living in one of the most crowded cities in the world Dhaka, if you are from the west, I bet you can't even imagine how crowded it is. Well, but I got used to city life, and eventually, I fall in love with the city. My hometown is in the countryside, and I have lived here in Dhaka for the last 7 years. Currently, I have just completed my undergrad from North South University, majoring in Marketing. I have centered my career toward digital marketing, and I have giving digital marketing services for the last three years to different companies around the world. Mostly freelanced base. I'm currently trying abroad to complete my master's, and I'm considering the best suitable countries to get a degree.

One of the most interesting things about me is I want to tell you that I am eager to learn something. I find the internet and its resources a blessing; technology seduces me very much. And, I wish to learn as much as I can about things like programming, Coding, entrepreneurship, businesses, cryptocurrency, and things that are promising towards shaping our future. I took a lot of courses during this pandemic and could complete some on Linkedin and Coursera.
I like music and my taste? Well, to be truthful. My taste is all over the place. I like to spend my time listening to music, yes, every day. Music works as a healer in me. My favorite band is Linkin Park, Pink Floyd, Motley Crue, Nirvana, etc. Although you could say I'm mostly a rock fan, I always listen to other genres too.
I also like doing nature photography, and I'm not that much photogenic person though, I hardly upload any pictures on social media. I think I'm slightly insecure about it. I love traveling, going from place to place. I wish I could be a bird and travel to different places around the world. I love listening to poetry; if you have any poetry suggestions for me, please send me.

Lastly, I believe I did not bore you enough to the community if you are reading this part of the post. I thank you for your time. As a new writer, I ask for your opinions or any suggestions for me about anything please do. And I hope I will find you in another blog again. Till then, stay safe, keep the social distance and mask on. Cheersuntitled.gif.

Here is a picture was taken by me. I hope you like it.

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