Will Creating Bubbles of Space Help Us Travel Faster Than Light?


I have always loved space exploration. Looking at the night sky and watching the countless stars and the countless worlds they may be hosting makes me wonder just how large our universe is.

I would love for us to achieve a technologically advanced level where we can freely travel to distant stars and check out their planets. Just as they show in the movies.

However, this is a very distant scenario, way into the future. I am guessing we are thousands of years from being able to do this. Unfortunately, the technology we have today just isn't capable to do any meaningful exploration of the cosmos.

But, there are speculative and sci-fi methods that we can discuss. One of these methods is creating a bubble of space around a spacecraft that could possibly help it travel at faster-than-light speeds.

Stuff of Science Fiction

I don't know where I read this but I remember reading that if it was possible to enclose a spacecraft in its own local space bubble, there would be no restrictions on how fast it can travel.

For those of you who don't know, nothing can travel faster than light. The laws of physics simply don't allow it. It is like a cosmic speed barrier that is just unbreakable.

However, that speed limit may not apply to space. In fact, scientists say that the universe itself may be expanding faster than light. So, does it mean that space itself is expanding faster than light?

I don't know that exact answer to this question. But, assuming that space can expand faster than light, that means the speed barrier doesn't apply to it. So, if a spacecraft could create a space bubble around it, the bubble as a whole could travel faster than light. The spacecraft relative to the bubble would not be moving at all. Just like how it is with us, airplanes, and the sky!

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