Handshake the Decentralised DNS root Zone of the internet.

Hi Everyone,

So as we go on our journey of discovering what is a digital identity and why it is so important for our lives. We have discussed what a Smart Name is in our earlier video. If you have not seen that post i suggest you go check that one out as well.

Link : What is a Smart Name.

Today lets take look under the hood and see how these Smart Names are created. Smart Names are created on TLDs ( Top level Domains) or Extensions that are minted on Handshake, a POW chain that serves as a decentralised DNS root zone and certification authority of the internet. You can check the protocol out at handshake.org (https://handshake.org)

Satoshi wanted to free two things. Money and the internet. He called the solutions BITcoin and BITdns. He got the coin things done but could not hang around to see the other done. Many teams have tried it including creating something called BITdns. But none could recreate the magic of BTC that was until Handshake (HNS) was released to the public in Feb 2020.

Check out the video to know more about Handshake.

If you need to know more about Handshake.

Do check out our youtube channel: YOUTUBE CHANNEL

And you can check out our platform Agaamin

Also if you are part of the Foodie channel you can get a free #SmartName on the extension -> .foodz

Enter the promo code “FOODIESUNITE” to avail a 100% discount on the name.
Voila! Congratulations you are now officially a Smart Name Holder.

Stay tuned as we build the free internet in public.


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