45 years of professional history in English


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About 45 years ago; The Acosta Figueroa Family receives from heaven the blessing of a new member in the home, it was on June 8, 1975 of the Birth in the City of Caracas of Juan Carlos Figueroa, a child who would bring happiness to the house among 10 siblings , uncles and grandparents. With the loss of my father being a baby, my mother Aleida Josefina Figueroa returns to the City of Cumaná, and with the support provided by my grandparents Thomas Acosta and Bonifacia Figueroa my life experience begins. My mother, an example of love, struggle, dedication and self-denial, residing in an annex, gives part of my care and training to the greatest formators that I could have in life, those who marked the expeditionary route that until now guides my destiny; two beautiful, lifelong married grandparents who taught me the value of Family and having a home; two grandparents believing in God who appeared to me the value of faith in a faithful, just, merciful, healing, loving and patient God; two grandparents of good testimony in the neighborhood who taught me about values, morals, ethics and good customs; I resemble with facts the value of loving, helping, collaborating, respecting; a Grandfather who showed me to value work and together in my childhood we practiced it. All these elements framed in a great biblical principle: “Instruct the child in his way; and even when he is old, he will not depart from him. " two grandparents of good testimony in the neighborhood who taught me about values, morals, ethics and good customs; I resemble with facts the value of loving, helping, collaborating, respecting; a Grandfather who showed me to value work and together in my childhood we practiced it. All these elements framed in a great biblical principle: “Instruct the child in his way; and even when he is old, he will not depart from him. " two grandparents of good testimony in the neighborhood who taught me about values, morals, ethics and good customs; I resemble with facts the value of loving, helping, collaborating, respecting; a Grandfather who showed me to value work and together in my childhood we practiced it. All these elements framed in a great biblical principle: “Instruct the child in his way; and even when he is old, he will not depart from him. "

I began my academic training very close to the residence in the Bolivarian Basic School, being marked by all my teachers and all my teachers, in an educational environment that I valued for the kindness of those who helped us buy a breakfast, who cleaned our classrooms, even those who met us at the door. At the age of 11 I graduated from school to go to a nearby high school called José Silverio González, where I studied 3 years of my life until I obtained my High School Degree, and the following 2 years I studied a little more distant at the Lyceum Pedro Arnal until obtaining the Bachelor of Science Degree. The entrance to the University of the East of the City of Cumaná-Venezuela two years later, marked my life in a stage of professional training that I longed for promptly, but nevertheless everything was damaged by the issue of high school graduates without quotas, the conformation of procuous committees, the struggle for the desire to be trained, the economic deficiencies for the time that made it unfeasible to think about private education; But in the end, God opens doors that no one can close, and closes those that no one can open. God who has everything in his hands, controls everything by his sovereignty, allows me to enter to pursue a career in Education Mention Mathematics, marked by the experience of my 6th grade teacher when she assigned me the task of helping my classmates, giving me the Witness his classes to apply evaluations and correct them until the placement of grades. the economic deficiencies for the time that made it unfeasible to think about private education; But in the end, God opens doors that no one can close, and closes those that no one can open. God who has everything in his hands, controls everything by his sovereignty, allows me to enter to pursue a career in Education Mention Mathematics, marked by the experience of my 6th grade teacher when she assigned me the task of helping my classmates, giving me the Witness his classes to apply evaluations and correct them until the placement of grades. the economic deficiencies for the time that made it unfeasible to think about private education; But in the end, God opens doors that no one can close, and closes those that no one can open. God who has everything in his hands, controls everything by his sovereignty, allows me to enter to pursue a career in Education Mention Mathematics, marked by the experience of my 6th grade teacher when she assigned me the task of helping my classmates, giving me the Witness his classes to apply evaluations and correct them until the placement of grades.

3 University Semesters in the Career, classmates who suffered with mathematics, University students who argued among themselves that they did not understand the teacher, the position of the mathematics department and their teachers in being a filter of subjects in the area of ​​mathematics, teacher positions : “The one who scratches the most, knows the most, is the executioner”; such crazy positions, to think of those who have the enormous responsibility of training. From the above; a great moment awakens for the experience, and based on the principles and values ​​of the grandparents, I went to the rescue, help, collaboration of young people who suffered from such oppressions; and in the same University, in a Cubicle of the Christian student Movement, I began a work of free consultancies, with methods at the student-student level,

This experience raised a deep devotion to what he was doing; Helping and sharing my knowledge with others produced great satisfaction, inner peace and love for the duty accomplished. Which is why I began a visit to most educational institutions with a letter of introduction where I offered my services, in the Church I published free courses, to my relatives and neighbors I helped with their needs, making effort and sacrifices to contribute on many occasions. . At the age of 22, I received a pleasant news, in which a teacher was required as a substitute to dictate Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Technical Drawing at the José Antonio Ramos Sucre High School, I did not take long to respond to the call and I introduced myself at the institution to provide my knowledge. Consider this moment, the beginning of great challenges in the task of teaching, training to transform, contributing to the personal and professional growth of many adolescents of the 3rd, 4th and 5th levels. From there to the experience as a missionary for a year in the City of Caicara del Orinoco in the State of Bolívar-Venezuela, with another substitute at the Manuel Cedeño High School and Contract in a Private Campus called San Juan Bautista.

5 years later the country and being back in the city of Cumaná-Venezuela, God gives me the opportunity to enter the payroll of my ministry of education in substitution of the classroom work carried out by a Retirement Teacher at the ETC Vicente de Sucre and Urbaneja, and I begin the beautiful task of teaching and learning; from the experience of colleagues, my students, representatives and the entire educational environment. My classroom experience was developed at all levels, with various areas of training related to science, and in 2008 I was invited within the institution to direct the area of ​​mathematics as part of a work team adapted to the curriculum design of the Bolivarian educational system. A year later, I was requested by the campus management to fulfill functions in the 3rd year Pedagogical Coordination,

Being in the role of Coordinator and responsible for my Master's studies in Basic Mathematics Teaching that culminated in 2009, I was consulted from the Directorate to assume the Administrative Sub-Directorate of the Institution to replace the teacher in charge of the moment due to the state of risk in your pregnancy; Considering the family and the level of responsibility it involved, we prayed to the eternal God and assumed the deputy leadership. There I live the great opportunity to meet ALL the institutional group; It was no longer about the "chubby little white girl", or the "skinny black boy with smooth hair", I understood that everyone had names and surnames, families, problems, faculties, skills and abilities, but above all they needed someone to guide and help them in their work within an institution that valued them.

In 2011, the institution began to experience a difficult time from the point of view of the alteration of the institutional climate, being affected a large part of the teaching staff by the work of school organization, delegated as responsibility to the academic assistant director. This situation led to a conflict between the parties and problems that affected the institutionality and peace in the educational area. This difficult experience ends with the transfer of the professor who exercised this function and brings as a consequence the institutional rearrangement with some changes in the management team, which invited a professor to take part: I was moved to the academic deputy director in the midst of a difficult situation That forced Solomonic decisions to be made given the damage caused to a significant number of people, decisions that, although they did not favor everyone, at least contributed the greatest number of people. This transition in two school periods brought the resignification of the school organization, based on consultation, understanding, in the midst of a climate of cordiality and respect, considering the other as you would consider yourself.The positive came out, school organizations that were not socialized began to be made, each one of the institutional personnel signed the assignment for the school year in accordance and most importantly: peace, tranquility, and stillness returned. in the midst of a climate of cordiality and respect, considering the other as you would consider yourself. The positive came out, school organizations that were not socialized began to be made, each one of the institutional personnel signed the assignment for the school year in accordance and most importantly: peace, tranquility, and stillness returned.

In 2011, at the request of a neighbor, a graduate in Public Accounting and recently appointed Chief of Staff of the Educational Zone, I was invited to cover him as Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the Sucre-Venezuela Educational Zone, since he was unaware of the educational field and recognized a bit my humble experience in some things. My great reward was to feel for a year the satisfaction of training in many spheres of the education sector at all levels, linked with all the members of the ministry payroll and those who apply to enter it. Helping me was a privilege, and feeling that I was able to serve many people was an unparalleled pleasure. Hence, in 2012 I returned again to the campus where I started with the ministry; my Vicente de Sucre y Urbaneja, to once again fulfill responsibilities in the Academic Subdirectorate until the end of 2013, when due to the resignation of the director in charge until that moment, he went on to assume the Directorate of the Campus until now. Life lessons: whoever wants to be the oldest among us has to serve first, and being the oldest did not consist in being above, being the worker of a service that he decides not to give up, to continue with the example of the need to support us, to take care of ourselves, to support us, to love each other, to contribute together to build what we want and dream of in a wonderful world such as education.

Today, reaching the Doctoral Level of Studies at the Latin American and Caribbean University in 2018; I feel the urgent need to continue contributing to my Country and all the regions of the world that I can support in a professional life experience of 23 years of service.

Dr. Juan Carlos Figueroa

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