Contest promoting with serey

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamu Alaikum my dear readers brothers and sisters how are you all I hope everyone is very well with the infinite mercy of Allah Taala I am also very well with your prayers and with the infinite mercy of Allah Taala Alhamdulillah.

So friends, today I will discuss a little bit about Seri Ki from my experience, I don't know how much I can convince you, but I will try inshallah.

I have been online for the past two years but it was almost a year of wandering around and I could not earn any money then I came to know about this series platform through a YouTuber.


Image source canva

He was just showing in the video sign up like comment and you will get income but I couldn't understand it and I asked him if there is any community for this and we can get any help through any community.

The day after I signed up, he gave me a link to Discard's Bangladesh Serial Community.


Alhamdulillah I joined there that day there were lots of people they all signed up on seri platform and joined discord to know more about it.

At present many of them may be lost from us along with our admin Yasin Bhai is still holding our hand tightly he has made us understand that if anything can be progressed with patience the benefits are very good.

We followed his words and listened to his words and we have progressed step by step till now InshAllah we have benefited as he explained to us what is Seri Platform but no one else has explained to us in this way.

If I were to say what he said, then maybe I would be less able to say about myself, but I think we are very lucky to have such a person.


Anyway Alhamdulillah he explained to us as much as he knows about the Seri platform and after explaining what I understood though it is a very small word Seri but its meaning is very big behind it is hidden a very big treasure.

If we can earn some money from any place by expressing our thoughts then the first and best website is Seri Platform.

I have seen many platforms but I have never seen a platform as good as Seri Platform.

When you work in any website they assign a topic that you have to write about but Seri is a platform where you can write everything, where you have traveled, where you have not done, your life story, you can present everything here. Beautiful and simple rules I have never seen anywhere else.

Although we have come to know in the past few days that Seheri has been listed in CoinBit, it is a very lucky thing for us.

If I want to tell you a little bit about Converse then here you must sign up and then verify your profile we usually know that in all the websites or apps we verify our profile those websites or apps but for us in the long run. In this case, I would say that Coinbe is very important to us and will be of great benefit to us.

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So I signed off with Converse and I'm trying to verify my profile and I see the same thing about their support but they have a lot of support and a lot of companies are affiliated with us.

And especially their stalking polls are also very good.

And I think if I think from my place then the future of Serie is very good.

Since it is slowly getting listed in new exchanges, I think that if someone buys some coins and keeps them in his wallet and starts earning, his future will be bright inshallah.

And as far as I can see, anyone can easily trade in Coinbit, this trading system is very beautiful, I like it very much.

I think SEHERI ADDRESS is very necessary for those who work in highestimate blood because they understand how much profit SERI platform actually can give them.

So I request everyone who works on seri platform to work carefully and trade your coins as much as you can in coinbit then I think you can take a good profit from here and you won't have to touch anyone else in future. .

And everyone must try to move forward with honesty because the boat of truth never sinks, we can move forward with all of our efforts.

We will all move forward together and trade our coins on CoinB. We will buy as many coins as we can. Inshallah, in the future we will be able to bring better profits from here.

Wishing everyone to be well and stay healthy, I bid farewell here as today. Wishing for something new again, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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