Finally, Good to be Back Home but Life Took an Unexpected Turn...

Well it had been nearly three weeks since I have been back in my home in South Texas.


my trip was extended because of the passing of my Father on July 4th night. He lived a long life of 90 years old. He had frontal lobe dementia and had not been himself whatsoever for a few years now. He literally died in my arms as I was helping him back into bed for his nightly sleep. It was pretty fast. He had a clot to the heart which caused a heart attack. The actual official death date was july 5th at 12:38 am.

My Dad...

was a really good man, Honest to a "T" and worked his butt off to provide for his family of 5 sons and a wife. I was similar to him in some ways but different from him in so many ways. However, this does not mean he was loved any less. And the loved he showed me was something I will always cherish.

Cheers to my Dad...

who will be missed for some time to come. Rest in peace , Dad, as I know you are in a much better place.

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