Problem with My Computer and Need Solution

Hello everyone
Today I am here with some problem and want some solution

Software Problem

You can see here last few days I've got too much problem and too much pain in my work . because I have to working with my computer but a my computer is getting some problems and this problem Is too much big that I can't work properly in here. I was to solve this problem. I am changing my Windows 3 times, but this problem occured again, so I don't know actually what happened and what is the problem of my computer. when I am installing all the software that I can see there was an error occurred and every time this make me crazy and sometimes some software and some apps are not working properly . because of this problem. I don't know exactly how to solve this problem. because I am changing my Windows formatting my hard disk but this problem again and again, so you can see her there is the one problem that it was And this is what is to be that it cant be solve at any Cost.



I am changing the setting of my Windows and a working with YouTube videos watching it some tricks and applying this but this problem is not solving . you can see here. This is the sound system its not also working . I am changing my everything and also set up the drive of sound but this sound drivers or not working. I do need to learn how to work with this and that is also a problem that when I am trying to open any browser then it's not working properly. It was crash every time.

Browser Problem

When I am downloading browser from internet as Mozilla Firefox and Opera Mini and others then I can see here that this is complete the set-up and open once . but when it was open once I am working with this, but after this I am closing the browser and try to open this again, it is not opening. So that means I need to work every time and every time installing the software of Browser . what I don't make to how to working with this. why my browser app crashing every time? why my s audio drive is not installing properly and working properly and why it was a problem every time with my graphics property ? others I'm using dual core processor computer with 2GB RAM it was a low configured but actually I buy this computer almost ten years ago . so you can easily Understand that then it was the medium configuration computer. So right now they are not too much. well I don't know actually how to working with this computer? how to solve this problem. So if you have any solution and any option how to solve this problem, please let me know and I please leave a comment in this blog that I will connect you and the try to solve this problem as soon as possible . because of this problem, I am not working properly in every time so, please I need help if you have any option, please let me know.

Thanks for your time

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