Busy With Job preparation

Hello everyone

Last few days I was very busy . because I have too busy for taking preparation of this job. You know that it very difficult to get a job right now . everyone is fighting for get e job . many people are getting gob less . so there is a big unemployment problem here . so every one is trying to get a job . I am one of them . I am also fighting for the job . so I need to take proper preparation for get a job .

Its was for a post of computer operator . but the main problem is there are huge number of people are apply for the job but post is only 3 . so you can easily understand that . its very difficult to get this job . well I am get a call for computer test for my first exam for the job. . its was very nervous time . because there are more then 56 people come here to for this computer test . but they select only 9 people … so I am trying my best to pass the exam .

After few days they call me for an interview for this job . I am one of 10 . its more good for me . but there is also a problem that . they call total 10 people . but get job only 3 . so I am taking my best preparation for interview . well at the right time I am attend there and I am surprise that I am the first person for viva . so it was more nervous time for me . but I am successfully complete my viva ..

It was an extraordinary experience for me . I don’t know I get this job or not . but I was trying my best.. hope I get this job..

Thanks for your time

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