Look not always matters.

Many people assume that their looks or appearance matters a lot. They spend good amount of time and also money in dressing up their looks. Expensive cloths, shoes, hair style not always matters. Knowledge and behaviours also comes into play that matters a lot in society. All the unnecessary expenses on the looks and appearnace is a waste untill you have a good skill of expressing your thoughts and views.

This is what conveyed in today's Sanskrit shlokas.

अन्तःकटुरपि लघुरपि सद्वृत्तं यः पुमान्न संत्यजति|
स भवति सद्यो वन्द्यः सर्षप इव सर्वलोकस्य||

Antahkaturapi laghurapi sadvruttam yah pumaana smtyajati.
Sa bhavati sadyo vandyah sarshapa iva sarvalokasya.

Hand impression from my own painting

Antaahkaturapi = Antah + katuh + api.
Antah = inside
katu = bitter in taste.
Api = even.
Laghurapi = laghuh + api.
Laghu = very small.
Sadvruttam = good conduct, well rounded.
Yah = who.
Pumaana = pumaaan + na.
Pumaan = a person.
Na = not.
Tyajati = quits.
Sa = he.
Bhavati = becomes.
Sadyo = instatly.
Vandyah = praiseworthy.
Sarshapa = mustard seed.
Iva = like the (comparison). Sarvalokasya = of every body.

It means that's :
"A person who does not quit his virtuous and righteous behaviour even on the face of adverse circumstances, is revered by the people just like the mustard seed, although it is very small in size and bitter in taste."

Mustard seed has a prominent place in the lifestyle of people in India due to its nutritional and medicinal qualities. It has also a prominent place in religious rituals in the society. By using it as a simile for noble and righteous persons the scholar has conveyed the message that a person is revered in society by his inherent qualities and not his outer appearance.

Learning is Passion!

Thanks for Stopping @queenart

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