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Cuarentena (Dibujando) #1 / Quarantine (Drawing) #1

Hola, que tal amigos... Estoy aprovechando estas cuarentenas para hacer algo de arte, realmente no es uno de mis mayores logros pero, anteriormente les dije que me gustaba el arte, soy un aficionado a los dibujos y hoy quiero compartir algo que hice con tan solo 1 lapiz y 1 hoja reciclada.

"Momentos de ocios son necesarios para la creatividad"
Cultura Profética


Hey, what's up, fellas? I'm taking advantage of these quarantines to make some art, it's really not one of my biggest achievements but, previously I told you that I like art, I'm a fan of drawings and today I want to share something that I made with only 1 pencil and 1 recycled sheet.

"Leisure time is necessary for creativity"
Prophetic Culture

WhatsApp Image 20200401 at 3.22.08 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 20200401 at 3.22.09 PM 1.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 20200401 at 3.22.09 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 20200401 at 3.22.08 PM 1.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 20200401 at 3.22.08 PM.jpeg

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