Recommendations for monetizing on Instagram. Part 1

You have an instagram account and you want to make money? I'm going to tell you about 9 strategies that can help you to grow your account, monetize and make money with instagram. That yes! I want to clarify that I do not come to give you tricks or miracles, they are strategies based on hard work, and in some cases you must make an initial investment, because to reach success the road can be long, it requires your perseverance and not give up, so you can see the results.

Design by @pinedaocl with images from public domain Pixabay and image property of instagram

There are many social networks that we can take advantage of, but today we will focus on Instagram. Let's get started:

1. To make money with this platform, the first thing to do is to work organically, that is, to get a prominent presence on the network that allows you to attract visibility for your products or those of other brands. So, the first step is to grow your instagram organically, based on generating quality content, which are remarkable for your potential audience, at least you need to reach several thousand followers before you can raise a monetization strategies, this will help you and allow you to identify the contents that work best in your niche. In addition to having a certain number of followers, it is essential that your followers are active and interact with your content.

2. Affiliate marketing, this strategy consists of working as a kind of brand ambassador for the products you use and believe in, by talking about them you can share a link to their page, or a discount code in order to encourage your audience to clip, every time a person buys a product through your personalized link you could get a small commission of profit, on the other hand, another tactic that helps a lot, are the sweepstakes where users must comment and like the page thus stimulating interactions.

Design by @pinedaocl with free images12and image property of instagram.

3. The third strategy would be the post sponsorship, once you have become an influencer, you can take advantage to promote brands in exchange for a commission, this usually happens very often, as brands seek to massify their marketing campaigns through accounts that have a large reach, and thus promote their products.

4. Advertising on instagram, there is more and more competition in the instagram social network, even though it was not created for marketing purposes. The constant growth of users makes it more complicated to monetize the account, both personal and business, sometimes to make money we must invest money wisely, but when investing we should not be afraid to do paid advertising, as there is no minimum mandatory budget if you want you can start with $ 6 a day or $ 3000 a month that will depend on your possibilities.

In order not to extend the publication I will only leave these 4 recommendations, in the next publication will be shared other tips that can help you understand how to monetize on the social network Instagram.

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