Financial Year 2021: Saving & Investing

Second part of this year's financial goals is about saving money & trying to invest some of it.


I have been living almost two years together with my boyfriend and we have actually build pretty solid foundation what come to saving money.

We have two savings accounts where we will send automatically all gains from apartment rentals & side hustles. Other one is there for emergencies, for example bigger urgent purchases or things that need to our home.

The other one is Super Savings account and we do not touch it at all. It's only for bigger purchases like a car or apartment.

Then there is the every day savings.

-We do groceries one a week, saves time, petrol and also money as we buy less dumb things.
-We buy only bulk. Fairy 5 litre, 6 bottles of brand detergent from discount. Get 3 pay 2 offers and so on. Average grocery bill for two of us is 50-100€, depending what offers we find.
-I hunt quality animal food on discount, they eat well and we have avoided expensive vet bills.
-we eat in a restaurant maybe once a week, rest of the time it's home cooked in meals
-we got one solar panel that heats our water 8 months a year, it's huge saving on electricity.

So there is that.

What comes to investing, I will start putting money on penny stocks and hopefully I will bring home some 1000€ of gains this year. Interested especially in green stocks (renewable energy stocks) and anything related to electric cars & wireless technology. I will start now with 200€ and I will add monthly some 100€ more to the pile. I really hope that gain more than I loose but you never know 🙈

I will make monthly updates on my gains/losses do welcome to follow my journey on that.

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