Venezuela - Estado la Guaira

Cinta Costera de Vargas, La Guaira (State of Vargas / Venezuela)
Cinta Costera, which has 3.8 kilometers of walkways and bike paths facing the sea, as well as inns, sports and recreational areas.

La Guaira is considered the gateway to Venezuela and is separated from Caracas by only 30 km. It was the Arauaco Indians who first marked the central Venezuelan coast with their footprints. The city formerly known as Huaira, for being an indigenous settlement, was officially founded in 1589 by Diego de Osorio with the name of San Pedro de La Guaira. Its maritime importance does not come from recently, from the beginning the city was the most important naval center in the country, since it was there that the Guipuzcoana Company was established, whose house to this day remains in its historic center, having survived earthquakes (such as that of 1810), as well as the floods of 1999.

Important Venezuelan independence leaders have been born in this city, such as José María España and Manuel Gual; two presidents of the republic such as Carlos Soublette and José María Vargas, as well as the Venezuelan-curazoleño hero, Manuel Piar, who spent a good part of his life in La Guaira

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