My heart ❤️ Unheard

Once upon a time, I firmly thought that love was a pure emotion.
But now that my eyes are clearer,
I see Maybe it's simply a ruse.

You mentioned hopes and days ahead,
as well as unrealized moments.
What am I supposed to see, though, if I'm not in your line of sight?


You promised to support me, be there for me, and help me get through the storm,
but here I am, completely alone and unaided. utilizing formless words.

Though you claimed to be in love and to have profound sentiments,
your deeds spoke louder than words because if I were your heart, you would show me that you were.

I extended my hand to grasp, to stand by,
to be your rock. However, I now realize—possibly with pride—that I am the one who drowned.

You were so sweet when you spoke a week ago about getting a massage to ease your discomfort, but now you act as if I'm blind.

A burden rather than a benefit. With a loud voice, you told my companions that you were above me.

Now, not too proud,
I stand and watch you let me fall. For if you truly loved, as you once said, you would prove it to me.
Yet as I can see now,
my heart has been set up, amid barriers that enclose me.

I see arrogance, that's why You wear a mask so effectively, and even though you talk about being free, I can smell freedom.

You believe that you are greater than others because you have attained such a high level of knowledge,
but your spirit would not be blind if you could actually see the sky.

But wisdom is found in the heart that guides the path and the love that endures the suffering,
not in the words you speak or the prestige you acquire.

Thus, I am standing here with my heart open, determined not to waste any more time since,
if you were genuinely indifferent,
love would never be pursued.

I'll turn away and hold my head high.
I abandon you to your fate,
for I should have a close, loving relationship, not a hateful one.

Congratulations on your ascent, achievement, and tall ascent; nevertheless, I won't play with falsehoods or hold off till you give me a call.

Love isn't simply a game; it's more than just words spoken; it's deeds that kindle the flame and direct your path.

Thus, hold onto your achievement, wisdom, pride, and name with such affection, but I will not stay a guess with a scared heart.


I deserve a genuine love that embraces my true self,
one that is proud of me, and one that doesn't hesitate to see me for the man I can be.

Cheers to you and all of your achievements! I wish you luck in finding what you seek, but rest assured that I will not be restrained. Through love, which is icy and hopeless

I'll come across a kind and clean heart that isn't frightened to give,
A love that exists in the caring heart as well as the thinking.

I'll discover my own real path,
so I'm saying goodbye now with no regrets since true love never forgets the one who stayed.

The range of feelings I'm experiencing—disappointment, realization, and the resolve to proceed with dignity and clarity—is reflected in this poem. It conveys the value of sincere communication and the steadfast determination to accept anything less than affection and respect for one another.

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