Wandering On A Water Wednesday

Looking for that perfect angle...

Wandering around in search of new content

Yes we take your viewing pleasure with the utmost respect! Here at the OldGuy studios, we are out endlessly scouring the hills and valleys for fresh content. No recycled photos here! No way Jose! In fact my tyrants kids have taken upon themselves to get me out and whipped into shape. Seriously! If they had a cattle prod, they would not be afraid to use it. Well the "into shape" might be a bit of a strecher. Lets just say they think it is in my best interests to get out and get moving now that the warmer weather is supposedly here.

I like these sunrays!

Well we are surrounded with beautiful areas to tramp around, and I enjoy shooting pics as much as anyone, but it has to be a decent temp or I am reverting to hibernation mode!.

Here the hinkers are nice and quiet, all relaxed...


Of course, if you know how honkers like to behave, it is not very long before they start feeling ornery.


Always making a ruckus, but just in no time, they are flying overhead... Of course this is a risky shot, as one never knows if they are about to jettison some extra "baggage"!!


So I have to say it is a pretty good time wandering around, once one overcomes the initial inertia.


We generally thrash out some good ideas to solve the world's problems... Now if only someone would listen!


Once last bit of a rant on this Water Wednesday. Can you believe it is going to be 20F tonight. How nuts is it to live in a freezer for most of the year. I am so ready for some sun and fun!


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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.

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