The Marhaba Mall__ Learning new things.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston S. Churchill

Hi folks. how you doing? I visited the Marhaba mall yesterday. It is new in my town. There are multiple things that I want to tell you guys today. I guess most of you will be able to relate to this.


I have always had a fear of new places. I still feel hesitant going to new places. I am an adult, but I still feel this fear sort of feeling. Maybe this is some kind of nervousness. I cannot find the right word here. It is maybe something related to new terms. New places have often a sense of new concepts and new ettiquettes and I am afraid that I might not comply to these things and eventually embarass myself.

It is always worth taking opportunities. I am a firm believer of this. I just feel like life is very short. I am working on myself and eventually I will capitalize on more opportunities. But, we should take opportunities otherwise someone else will surely make the most of our opportunities. I took the opportunity of going to this mall and I am glad that I did because I had a great time there. I had fun there, the food was amazing and the vibe was unmatched. I also bought some goods which were relatively cheaper.

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The images and thoughts are mine.

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