Is College Important ? Then What About An Organization On Campus.

Is College Important ? Then What About An Organization On Campus.

Hello everyone, still with the same story, where as a teak of a student who cares about the campus environment, and this is me who used to be full of fatigue by walking to and fro and mouth that never stopped talking as if an unrelenting robot, I myself am also very happy with what I follow today, and also this is my own identity. Even though other friends I judge negatively, but I never care about what they think, because this is my hobby and passion in organizing.



Different point of view of the organization, they could have seen from the negative side, but for me there is no negative but positive all, because for me it is all very valuable lessons, not only knowing between local friends but to get to know friends from other majors also very valuable for me, because for me college is to find a network of experiences not just sitting in a room with a local friend to finish college, but how do I differ in my lecture.

This photo was taken when I set the course of an event that we made in an organization, where here I educate younger siblings who have just entered how to create an event that attracts the attention of many who also attend our event, and all that I teach for young people younger siblings who have just entered so that one day they can make a good and appropriate way from their seniors, and hopefully this can be a lesson as well as advice from me as a senior from the organization.


Thank you also to all of you who have accompanied my story today, of course I will share other interesting stories at a later time with more interesting stories that are also useful for all of your friends, as well as for other friends at @hive, I hope that the news that we convey can be useful for our other friends.

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