Photographing a insect

Hello people. So, just to be clear at the beginning, I haven't froze nor killed this insect, I've found him in my car not moving. :D

Now, let me tell you what I did to create this macro photo. First I took him inside and placed him on blue bottle cap because I liked how it look when I took test photo. Second I used my flash to make the best photo possible by moving flash from left to right and above. I wanted to see every detail of his eyes and nose or whatever that is. :D I wanted also to do focus stacking but my tripod is pretty bad and jiggles a lot so I used remote for taking photos because every little movement will make photo blurry. After that editing was done by blending three photos together in Photoshop and that's all. I will also post three photos that were blended together.

I hope you like this photo. :D





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