2024 Indian Lok Sabha elections goes on the stage that is designed for the ruling BJP party to prevail


India’s temperature is hot, but here it’s also hot with dramas with Central Government Lok Sabha Elections having begun here on April 19th. All this is entertaining but for concerned and aware Citizens, lots of events happening of late is plain alarming.

There is sure shot signs that India’s Democracy is in danger as the ruling BJP party is hijacked by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi who seems to be inching to have BJP win the elections and get the power as the Prime Minister again for the 3rd time to completely erase remaining traces of Indian Democracy.

I explained this point in my last article.

Interesting Electoral Bond corruption case that allowed India's ruling party to extract bonus benefits for political gains

Democracy is pushed into the edge by the BJP dispensation with the oppositions' path filled with hurdles

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Right now, BJP is enjoying an unfair advantage over other political parties with extra money power that’s won it media presence, but more than that BJP has got control over Central Government institutions which were otherwise much more independent under Opposition led Congress Government.

My previous articles give few examples of how India’s ruling BJP party has controlled India’s probe agencies, ED and CBI and used them to threaten businessmen, and companies to donate secret funds to it via electoral bonds.

BJP has used India’s Income Tax that is IT Department to freeze the bank account of the main opposition party Congress, so Congress party was not able to function or pursue election campaign activities which damaged its functioning for about a month according to Congress Party's main leader face, Rahul Gandhi.

My article also gave an example of how ED works to arrest opposition leaders, on corruption charges that are not quite proved to be true, just so that the opposition party is weakened during the crucial election time when opposition leaders should be busy campaigning for elections, instead of being shut in jail and denied bail.

All these instances are only a few that I explained to imply that Modi’s BJP has managed to harm India’s democracy as all these acts are aimed at making it very hard for the opposition parties to fight election while giving BJP an unfair edge in the electoral battle ground.

In this, 2024 Lok Sabha Indian Elections, political parties are not competing in a level playing field, with the field all shaped for the ruling BJP party to benefit in the elections unfairly.

Friction in India’s free and fair election process with Modi in control of the Election Commission (EC)


Add to all this, Modi has managed to gain control over Election Commission of India(ECI) as the body that runs it The Election Commission (EC) has Election Commissioners handpicked by him, so they are not functioning independently, and are controlled by him.

How Modi’s BJP rewrote rules to erode Indian election commission’s independence

This was made possible as BJP managed to change the act that earlier ensured that the ruling Government and the PM did not acquire an upper hand in the appointment and control of Election Commissioners. The BJP Government managed to push through and pass the Chief Election Commissioner and Other Election Commissioners (Appointment, Conditions of Service and Term of Office) Act, 2023 which has made it possible for the Prime Minister to select Election Commissioners who would function to favour the interests of himself and his BJP political party.

This is because this act allows for a selection committee comprising of Prime Minister, a Minister from the Union Government and leader of the opposition party to select the Election Commissioners who would be appointed to the EC.

The issue here is that the PM and a minister under him are involved in the selection of EC. They dominate the selection committee and so have the power to onboard Election Commissioners on to the EC body who would serve their interests.

This has what happened this time with EC vacancies hurriedly filled with men selected by Narendra Modi and his aide, Home Minister, Amith Shah while Congress leader, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury could not do much, its 1 against 2!!

Modi-Led Panel Appoints Ex IAS Officers Gyanesh Kumar, Sukhbir Singh Sandhu as Election Commissioners

Earlier this was not possible as selection committee that selects the Election Commissioners of EC comprised of the Chief Justice of India(CJI), apart from PM and leader of opposition. So, that time PM and his party did not have a upper hand in appointment of Election Commissioners.

All in all EC is supposed be an independent pool body to oversee that election processes take place free and fairly. Apart from this it is EC’s duty to oversee that all political leaders make speeches and social media posts that are in adherence to the ‘Model Code Of Code” (MCC).
Here making hate speech and seeking votes using religious tone is banned!

Modi openly makes communally flavored speeches that violate MCC!

However, since EC is controlled by PM and his BJP party, EC is not taking strict action against Modi and his BJP ministers who are making speeches with religious flavour. A few days back Narendra Modi propagated hate speech that crossed all limits of decency. It was such a speech that really is a disgrace to the post he holds of the Prime Minister.


Modi's Rajasthan Hate speech

Modi has told lies in his speech saying that Congress intends to take the property and jewels of the Hindu community and give it to Muslims not even sparing Hindu women's ‘Malgalsutra’, the sacred chain tied by her partner during marriage.

Modi pours islamaphophic slurs by calling the Indian Muslim community as ‘infiltrators” and “those who have more children” and abused Congress Party by accusing them to have a “urban naxal mindset”.

Modi hate speech Controversy relates to the speech of Congress Prime Minister on 2006


Modi was referring to the then honorable Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh’s speech on December 2006, where Dr Manmohan Singh said that the then Congress Government should focus on the development of certain sectors and communities – this included Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes(STs), backward classes, women, minorities including empowerment of the Muslim community so they also benefit from India’s economic activities. He said they have first claim over resources.

However, our gentleman Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh had never implied that the Congress party plans to grab properties and jewelry of other community women and give it to Muslims!!

He only expressed that his Government should make innovative policies and spend resources to improve the plight of Muslims and other communities because their plight is poor, deserving special focus of the Government.

Even at that time, BJP misquoted this speech of Manmohan Singh & Congress released a statement stating that the statement was taken out of context.


Modi assertion that Indian Muslims are breeding a lot is not true as well, because Government statistics shows that Indian Muslims have on average a little more than 2 children which is very close to the replacement rate as the produced population equalises just replacing their parents population.

A fact-check on Modi’s speech in Rajasthan about Muslims and Manmohan Singh

What Did Manmohan Singh Say In His 'First Claim On Resources' Speech Referred To By PM Modi In Rajasthan?

EC does not do its duty of punishing Modi for his hate speech that violates MCC guidelines

EC has not taken action over this hate speech of Modi which only shows as feared that EC has Yes men of Modi. This is even after other political parties, Citizens, and Civil Society Organisations have in huge numbers approached EC and complained to it, reminding the poll body to do its duty to take action against Modi for clearly giving speeches reeking of religious fervor.

It’s Modi’s strategy to scare one community(majority) against Muslims(minority), and divert their attention from main issues like unemployment, economic growth, inflation, especially since his Government has been in power for 10 years and these problems are heavier than they were earlier!

Lok Sabha Elections 2024: EC 'examining' complaints against PM Modi for 'hate speech'

Modi’s Hindutva weapon unleased to win votes

Its Modi’s popular strategy to scare one community(majority) against Muslims(minority), and divert their attention from main issues like unemployment, economic growth, inflation, especially since his Government has been in power for 10 years and these problems are heavier than they were earlier!


Modi should be speaking about his BJP Government’s accomplishments these 10 years rather than spreading communal disharmony.

The need to use such Muslim bashing speech has arised because his Government has not fulfilled its promises of providing 2 crore jobs, ensure price stability, double farmers income etc...

Rather, there is an increase in corruption, women crimes, increase in income inequality, poverty and prices of essentials.

Modi has no answer to Congress’s Manifesto which guarantees livelihoods for all…

Congress this time, has pointed out that their Manifesto is designed to empower minorities, Dalits, OBCs, unemployed youth, farmers, poor women.

It has promised reservations to communities needing representation meaning there will be a census to know the economic plight of various communities in India based on which they will be provided reservations in various sectors, fields, occupations.

Congress has promised providing aid to farmers by waiving their loans and procure their produce at Minimum Support Price (MSP) which will be a fair price so farmers earn enough revenue to cover all the expenses they incurred for growing their crops, be it on purchasing seeds, fertilizers or electricity mainly used for irrigating the fields.

Modi harshly degrades Congress’s pro-people Manifesto giving it a communal shade!

However, Modi has said Congress manifesto is a blue print of Muslim League. Modi this way keeps taunting Congress very uncivilly.

Historically, BJP has ties with Muslim League, that time BJP was known as Bharatiya Jana Sangh. These two organisations had one ideology in common as they were not in favour of one India, they were in favour of the two Nation theory, one for Hindus and one for Muslims.

‘BJP’s ancestors supported British, Muslim League': Kharge counters PM Modi on manifesto

Muslim League led by Muhammad Jinnah finally succeeded in partitioning India, a painful chapter in India’s history and birth of our sibling neighbour Pakistan.
However, the independent India post partition is intended to be secular, and not a Hindu Rashtra which BJP in alias with it's alliance RSS organisation aspires to create.

It is inscribed in India's Constitution that India is a Secular and Democratic Nation and these principles should be respected by everyone, including Government, Citizens all.

Modi calls India Alliance political leaders as villains wanting to hurt hindu sentiments

Modi also commented that since the opposition party leaders of India Block consume meat and post video about it on Hindu festival time, they are hurting Hindu sentiments. He said they have a Moghul mindset, as they enjoy hurting hindu sentiments, just like Moghuls enjoyed destroying Hindu temples in ancient times. So, people will punish them for this by not voting to them.

Modi slams Opposition for eating meat in Sawan


Even here, Modi has spread fake news as Tejashwi Yadav leader of Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) party clearly did not consume that fish meal during Navarati festival time.

Clearly, Modi is commenting on the private eating habits of political personalities which is again is against MCC. MCC says criticism on private lives of politicians can’t be done, it should be only on the work they do in the political space.

Apart from this there’s a Communal reference in Modi’s statement, which is a violation of MCC guidelines.

But no action from EC!!

Modi has hurt my sentiments when he branded Bitcoin as an evil instrument!

If everybody’s sentiments are hurt on things like this, so was mine when Modi had told very false and base things about Bitcoin. That youngsters should stay away from Bitcoin, it spoils youth and the world should get together to address this Bitcoin problem that is very dangerous!

He said in democracy people take freedom for granted and invest in instruments because no institution is there to regulate it. Therefore, if it gets into the wrong hands its very dangerous!

This was said on November 2021, when Bitcoin was recognized as a legitimate asset to hold in most of parts of the world.

It is very disgraceful that someone in a Prime Ministers position should talk so regressively. When Blockchain technology at that time itself was quite mature and well known to have capabilities to solve several real world problems and create jobs for people!

My sentiments were hurt, so what names should I call PM?

PM Narendra Modi warns the young about danger of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin

Modi’s election speeches reeks of malice and is unacceptably indecent

This anti- Muslim, meat, temple and other such references are filling Modi’s election speeches when he should be speaking on what his Government has done to improve India in all these 10 years of BJP Governance under the Prime Ministership of him.

A PM that too of a secular, democratic, socio-economically and culturally diverse India cannot keep throwing such cheap and uncouth jibes! Public expects him to talk in a dignified manner like a Statesmen!

EC takes downs posts of opposition parties that talk about Modi’s misdeeds!

I end here with a post that EC had ordered X to take down.


The post was appropriate but talking about electoral bond corruption and the clear link it has to BJP, Modi and arrest of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is not allowed to be exposed by opposition parties!

India’s current 2024 Lok Sabha Elections main elections are not happening free and fairly

It is very clear that India’s Election Commission is favouring Modi and the BJP party controlled by him. This is worrying because in that case it is doubtful that free and fair elections are happening now, as the poll body to oversee this, is controlled by Modi and work favouring him, leaving him to talk basely, spreading lies and communal hatred..

So, in this context, again all the questions I raised before is relevant –
EVM machines I talked about earlier are guaranteed by the EC to function honestly recording voters’ votes as cast. This is no independent audit of the Source Code programmed into these voting machines, so we need to trust EC’s word that EVM’s are reliable that it has no code to misdirect its functions.

However, EC has allowed BJP ministers to be in the Board of Directors of the companies manufacturing these EVM machines!

So, is it not possible that these EVM machines may be programmed to record votes falsely to benefit BJP!!

There is no level playing field with Modi’s BJP doing everything to win and end democracy. These Indian elections are not happening in a free and fair manner!

Yes, it’s the truth, however difficult it maybe to digest.

Still… there are forces fighting Modi’s BJP and so there is hope!

Yet, there is a fight against Modi… and there are loud voices against what he is doing. Congress and other opposition party faces are fighting strong, talking about issues that matter – employment, social justice, equitable economic growth that benefits all Indians, women safety, democracy, freedom of press and media, National security, livelihoods of farmers and so many things.


So, there is hope India is saved with Indians choosing to vote for a Government that would work on the issues mentioned which would benefit us Indian Citizens to live a life in a peaceful India in a secured way with enough money, job oppurnities with all freedoms and protection bestowed to us by our Indian Constitution.

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