Reflecting On My First Experience With Fire Fighters

Fire fighters are First responder trained personal to help save life’s and extinguish fire outbreaks. Fire responder is a services involving teams working together to help reduce or protect people and property from threat and dangers. The major reason is to extinguish, control, prevent rescue victims during emergency to save life’s and property.

Growing up, I had always wanted to be a fire fighter. My love for fire fighters started from a movie I watched Only the Brave, Fire with Fire. This are very motivating movie and an eye opening on what fire fighters face, both at work and at home with their wife and kids.

My First encounter with Firefighters in Nigeria

It all started the day the third house to my face had a gas explosion which resulted in heavy fire. The Explosion not only triggered by the gas but also by other electrical gastric and explosive equipment like Refrigerators, Ovens, Dryer, Air-condition and lot more. The House was in heavy Fire. Home made improvisation using water and little fire extinguisher couldn’t stop it, because nobody could go near the fire then because of the heat, so they were pouring from distance. My Brother Christopher called the emergency number.

First Responder; 767 what’s your emergency

Christopher; There is a fire outbreak on my street at 6, Pedro bariga Lagos

First Responder; Have the fire reduced?

Christopher; No

First Responder; is it accross the street or inside the street and is there any filling station or gas station nearby?

Christopher; No, please people property are burning please be fast

First Respondant; what is your full name.

Christopher; (Mentions Full Name)

First Responder; Can you take a picture or the video of the Fire.

My brother took the video and sent it to her. After 30-1hour and still waiting for response and she keeps saying Hold. My brother got faustrated and Cut the phone all she wanted to do was to distract the conversation so his call will be void

This is how some fire station operate in Nigeria Lagos, on this Day lot of property was burned and only 1 person was severely injured. After 3 hours of the incidence they came, a lot of insults were put to them, as they shamefully left back, because every thing had been destroyed already. Nobody when this fire outbreak happened thought of calling fire service because they knew how irresponsible those people are, they only work for their earnings and income not for the main work, most of them don’t have passion for the job just like the way I have, but unemployment and poverty rate made them employed into the First Responder services. This day was tragic to us all then, thank God the Fire did not spread to the next house.

The Reason of Ineffectiveness In Nigeria

In Nigeria their ineffective have a lot of reasons which includes

  1. poor funding

  2. Limited recruitment

  3. Lack of Proper Training

  4. Poor Vehicles

  5. Poor Customer services

  6. Not enough Working tools or equipment.

  7. No Motivation.

All this can cause their inefficiency to carry out the function and this can affect their “MOTIVATION” to work.

Possible Solution To Fire Fighters Challenges and Ineffectiveness in Nigeria.

  • The Government should create watchmen on this sector to check their effectiveness of each stations.

  • Fire Fighters should be funded.

  • Proper trainings are to be carried out in order to perform the task at hand efficiently

  • All ineffectiveness should be sanctioned, as this can cause the live and death of people

  • More Fire stations are to be created

Furthermore the outbreak of fire and it dangers can be prevented. Proper awareness and safety precautions both at home, office and at industries are to be be alarmed and known through the following. I believe if proper awareness or training are made, then the risk of fire outbreaks can be reduced.

Ways to prevent Fire outbreak at home, office or industries

  • Avoid using Explosive equipment in an inflammatory place

  • Always have a fire extinguisher at home, office or industries ast it serves as first aid preventative

  • Avoid Making calls in the kitchen near gas

  • Do not put any Hot or Heating equipment in an enclosed door

  • store any flammable products correctly

  • install smoke alarms at work or industrial or even at home too.

  • when Using Explosive equipments, be careful of the use of them.

This is My Entry to the #Inleo #Mayinleo Day 4. You can participate in the #inleo through #leogrowth, by Following the Monthly Inleo Calnedar.


Thank you for Reading
Yours sincerely

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