Las antenas largas de la polilla / The long antennae of the moth

Había una polilla,
que mucho comía
y entre más lo hacía,
sus antenas más crecían.
Llegaron a ser tan largas,
que mucho su cabeza pesaba,
ya no podía volar, como en temporadas pasadas
y debía permanecer sobre una roca sentada.

There was a moth that ate a lot and the more it ate, the more its antennae grew. They became so long, that its head weighed a lot, it could no longer fly as it had in past seasons and had to remain seated on a rock.

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Los otros animales la miraban
y mucha pena les daba,
no se acercaban,
porque miedo les daba.
Llamaron a un tipo bueno,
que llevaba un colorido atuendo,
él es buen consejero,
podrá ayudar al insecto.

The other animals looked at her and felt very sorry for her, they did not approach her because they were afraid of her.
They called a nice guy, wearing a colorful outfit, he is a good counselor, he can help the insect.


El ser colorido la miró
y supo cual era la solución,
tomó un rayito de sol
y en su cabeza lo posó.
Esto le dio una luz especial
y la polilla pudo erguida caminar,
ahora va con seguridad
y hasta por la pared logró trepar,
solo necesitaba alguien que la motivará de verdad.

The colorful being looked at her and knew what the solution was, he took a ray of sunlight and placed it on her head. This gave her a special light and the moth was able to walk upright, now she walks safely and can even climb the wall, she only needed someone to motivate her more.


Que bonito es,
encontrar amigos que te hagan sentir bien,
seres que motiven tu ser,
así lleves los zapatos al revés.

How nice it is, to find friends who make you feel good, beings that motivate your being, even if you wear your shoes backwards.

Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Abril, 2023

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