La magia del río / The magic of the river

En su moto va mi amigo Isaac,
evitando obstáculos sin afan,
encuentra un río de extraña tonalidad
y no lo cruza, miedo le da.

El río sigue su curso normal,
hasta que se da cuenta de Isaac,
que en la orilla parado esta,
sin poder al otro lado cruzar.

On his motorcycle rides my friend Isaac,
avoiding obstacles with no effort,
he finds a river of a strange hue
and he doesn't cross it, he's afraid.

The river continues its normal course,
until he notices Isaac,
who is standing on the bank,
unable to cross to the other side.


El río frente al motociclista se para,
Isaac se queda sin palabras,
no pensó que el agua hablara,
le han dicho que la naturaleza es callada.

Se va de ahí,
el miedo lo hace huir
y cuando llega a su habitación,
se recuesta, cansado llegó.

The river in front of the motorcyclist stops,
Isaac is speechless,
he didn't think the water could talk,
he has been told that nature is silent.

He leaves the place,
fear makes him flee
and when he gets to his room
he lies down, tired he came.


De repente por la ventana,
entra el río que tras él andaba,
le deja un café en la mesa parda
y se marcha a su morada.

Lo único que el río quería,
era tomar café con el motociclista,
contarle de su vida,
de los tesoros que en su agua habitan.

Suddenly through the window
the river that was following him enters,
leaves him a coffee on the brown table
and leaves for his abode.

The only thing the river wanted
was to have coffee with the motorcyclist,
to tell him about his life,
of the treasures that live in its water.


Pero por miedo,
se perdió esta conversación bonita,
con un río de magia infinita.

But out of fear,
this beautiful conversation was lost,
with a river of infinite magic.


Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, abril del 2024

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