OAK TREE at "THE MAPLES" on a > #Treetuesday

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Stand alone Oak tree by the "Maples" ...Maples is the name of a bar near me, down by the railroad tracks...

When I first moved to Manorville there was Maples another bar and a general store...nothing else in 15 minutes , any direction... The general store burnt down which was just across the street from Maples and the other bar closed up... But Maples is still going strong, be it with another owner...

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That is the Maples to the right...

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The building goes way back, it was a hotel and a post office for the longest time..The train from NYC use to stop here but station close some 50 years ago due to lack of riders..

Today it is a popular Bikers bar with events and live music held in the large back yard..

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