A review of my year

I know my post feels a bit premature at this time, but there's a lot to say about how my year turned out.

At the start of the year, I was going through a transition and it appeared to be a backwards kind of transition because I had to move back home. The reason for this was the poor living conditions in my flat. It was winter and during summer, it was livable. The flat was always cold because of the poor insulation, the windows were old and I lived on the ground floor. My room was very large though, so that's one good thing and of course it was the first place I'd ever lived in on my own, so that made every inconvenience pale in comparison. I had freedooom and could just be alone all day every day, since I work remotely.


Moving back home just felt like many steps backwards. Yes, I still had my freedom but I began to feel irritable because I had just one room to myself where I could have privacy,. My family is not nosy or very intrusive, but when you've lived alone for up to a year, even the littlest change can feel very intrusive.

One night though I had a call from a friend who needed me to speak to her landlord because her room mate had left unexpectedly. I joking said 'maybe I could come live there' bearing in mind that this friend had been asking me to come to her city(three hours away) for a visit for half a year. I never could make it, but this was a perfect opportunity. I saw pictures of her flat and it looked like heaven to me. So in a craved turn of events, at about 2 0r 3 am, I informed my aunt and made the decision to move on the Saturday of that week. It really was that quick.

The city I moved to was Vinnitsa. It still is as I've been here since February. At first, I thought I'd live her for a month or two for fun, but I love this city and after my friend returned back to Nigeria, the same landlord took me to his other flat for rent and I moved in in July.

At the beginning of the year, I thought I would code a lot and paint in equal measure. I did code a lot but not in equal measure. Unlike last year, where coding was my life before my day job, this year painting has taken over my life. I discovered the beauty in watercolors in March and ever since then, I've found myself burrowing deeper and deeper into a tunnel of watercolor brands, papers and brushes as I experiment and grow. I can say that it has paid off. I had a lot of fun this year, I enjoyed the creativity it sparked in me, I enjoyed how this pushed me to trying out other mediums like acrylic and lately the digital medium and I've been sharing my works on ecency here.

One thing I love about myself is that with every new thing I find for myself, I put all my heart and effort into it. I've tried new things like swimming, gyming, my health has been better in covid times than in the past five years. I think it might be all the mask wearing I've had to do so I've not gotten sick since March from lung related infections. That's pretty ironic, I know. I have been able to utilize the time I have in a day and if there was going to be a post about regrets of the year, time wastage would not be a part of that regret.

My new goal now is to make more passive income. I have never intentionally pursued this before, and I think it is time to take this more seriously. I like the challenge and I know I will learn a lot. Recently I promoted a painting I'd done over the weekend of twitter and it got a lot of views and likes. That was exciting for me as part of the pleasure I derive from creating is knowing that people are seeing what I do and appreciate it. It's motivating to create something people think is beautiful. Art should of course be created because you enjoy it but it is also nice to know you have the ability to make others enjoy it too.

I know this account has been used mostly for movie reviews, but I have decided I also want to do more of personal blogging from now on and see where that leads.

Thanks for stopping by:)

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