Game of Thrones Monopoly

I was floating around a few shops recently, and came across this box on top of a shelf. I noticed it before even reading the name of it, but upon reading the name I picked it up.

Monopoly is a game that has had a ridicules amount of editions, and the thing I like about each edition is that it isn't just a new name, it's new rules, new designs, and basically a new type of game.

It's a really cool looking box, and eye catching.

While in the shop, me and Aimee were looking at it after I pointed it out, and I pressed the red button... I mean, come on, it's red, of course I was going to press it.

It started playing the Game of Thrones theme song, fairly loudly, and Aimee stared at me for a few seconds before walking away embarrassed.

I followed along, and waited for the song to finish before picking it up and bringing it to the cashier.

It's complete, which is such a relief when buying items like this.

It was taped up, so the first thing I done when I got back to the car was to peel it off carefully so I didn't damage the paint.

Within a few seconds I could tell that all of the player pieces were there, but I couldn't check everything else in detail until I got back home.

I let Kaleb play with the music box though, and he was loudly playing it for a while. Every time I tried to take it off him he cried, so we had to endure the Game of Thrones music for a little while.

The small house and hotel pieces are really cool, and fit the GOT aesthetic really well.

This is what I mean about each themed monopoly game having it's own unique pieces, rather than just copy/ pasting the same old ones.

I think these, and the Star Wars monopoly are my favorite's that I've come across.

I went through and organised all of the cards and was happy to discover that all of them are accounted for.

All in all, it's a really cool game, and it was an absolute bargain at €7, and while I'd like to hold onto it, it seems to sell online for around €30, so I'll be putting it up online.

Like most things, if it sells, it sells, and if it doesn't, it doesn't, and I get to keep it.

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