Dia de trabajo y relajacion / Day of work and relaxation

Un placer para mi poder compartir en esta comunidad con ustedes como verán este es mi primer post en esta comunidad espero sea de su agrado y les guste.

A pleasure for me to share in this community with you as you will see this is my first post in this community I hope you like it and I hope you like it.


Primero les daré un breve resumen de mi para que me conozcan un poco, mi nombre es Kevin González actualmente tengo 19 años de edad en unos dias cumplire 20 años, estudio derecho en la Universidad Santa Maria voy por el 6to semestre, trabajo con mi papa y su socio en el bufete que ellos tienen redactando documentos ayudando con algunos trabajadores y con algunas empresas que ellos asesoran, tengo una hija muy hermosa y tengo poco tiempo que me uní a esta increíble plataforma y puedo decirle que me a encantado y en este momento es un honor para mi poder empezar a realizar post en esta increible comunidad si desean ver una descripción mas amplia sobre mi los invito a mi post de presentación enlace.

First I will give you a brief summary of me so you know me a little, my name is Kevin Gonzalez I am currently 19 years old in a few days I will be 20 years old, I study law at Santa Maria University I am in my 6th semester, I work with my dad and his partner in the law firm they have drafting documents helping with some workers and with some companies that they advise, I have a beautiful daughter and I have little time that I joined this incredible platform and I can tell you that I love it and at this moment it is an honor for me to start making post in this incredible community if you want to see a broader description of me I invite you to my presentation post enlace.

Este dia empezo como cualquier otro sin embargo era solo el inicio de una cantidad de trabajo que ni yo me esperaba recibir habia un lindo amanecer yo baje a la casa de mis padres los salude y de ahí baje a calentar el carro luego esperar a mi papa para irnos a trabajar y bueno, llegamos a la oficina nos estaban esperando unos trabajadores y ni siquiera habíamos desayunado y ya teníamos que empezar a trabajar entonces mientras que mi papa atendía a los clientes yo estaba redactando las liquidaciones y su socio trabajando con otros clientes de ahi teniamos que terminar rápido para irnos a caracas a una reunión que teníamos, terminamos a las 8:30 y de ahí nos fuimos corriendo, tuvimos que desayunar en el carro para ahorrar tiempo, pero bueno son gajes del oficio.

This day started like any other day but it was just the beginning of a lot of work that even I did not expect to receive there was a nice sunrise I went down to my parents' house and greeted them and from there I went down to warm up the car and then wait for my dad to go to work and well, we arrived at the office, We arrived at the office and some workers were waiting for us and we had not even had breakfast and we had to start working so while my dad was taking care of the clients I was writing the settlements and his partner was working with other clients, from there we had to finish quickly to go to Caracas to a meeting we had, we finished at 8:30 and from there we left running, we went to the office and we had to go to work and from there we left running, we had to have breakfast in the car to save time, but well, it's an occupational hazard.



La verdad caracas se vuelve muy complicado por lo general en los días de semana por la cantidad de personas en la calle la cantidad de carros las colas tanto en autopistas como de personas en la calle un desastre total el calor la cumulacion de personas se vuelve un caos y un estrés total a pesar de que no estábamos en hora pico la cantidad de personas y carros que habian era exagerada un traslado de tan solo 40 minutos se convirtió en 1 hora y 30 minutos para poder llegar por las colas que había pero bueno al final logramos llegar a nuestro destino de una nos fuimos a la reunión ahi conversamos con los clientes le dimos una asesoria referente a un caso que se les presento y bueno a pesar de que se alargo mas de lo que pensamos todo salio bien gracias a Dios, de ahi terminamos al mediodía y nos regresamos a la oficina en charallave a almorzar, apenas terminamos ya teníamos otros clientes esperandonos y una reunión en menos de 20 minutos tuvimos que pasar el cliente para otro dia ya que llego mas tarde de lo que le habíamos dicho y postergamos su reunión de ahi nos fuimos a la otra deje a mi papa y al socio con el cliente y yo me fui al ministerio ya que tenia que anexar unos documentos a unos expedientes y para poder adelantar mientras que mi papa y el socio entre tantas cosas nos desocupamos a las 4 de la tarde y llevamos al socio de mi papa a su casa y mi papa y yo nos fuimos a la nuestra pero antes nos paramos a comprar unas cosas en farmatodo aproveche de comprar unos dulces para ver mi serie que me tiene demasiado entretenido en la noche.

The truth caracas becomes very complicated usually on weekdays by the number of people on the street the number of cars the queues both on highways and people in the street a total disaster the heat the accumulation of people becomes a total chaos and stress even though we were not in rush hour the number of people and cars that were there was exaggerated. It was an exaggerated transfer of only 40 minutes turned into 1 hour and 30 minutes to get there because of the queues but well in the end we managed to get to our destination at once we went to the meeting there we talked with customers we gave advice regarding a case that was presented to them and well even though it took longer than we thought everything went well thank God, From there we finished at noon and went back to the office in Charallave to have lunch, as soon as we finished we already had other clients waiting for us and a meeting in less than 20 minutes we had to move the client to another day since he arrived later than we had told him and we postponed his meeting, from there we went to the other one, I left my father and the partner with the client and I went to the ministry since I had to attach some documents to some files and to be able to move forward while I was in the office. To be able to move forward while my dad and the partner among so many things we left at 4 in the afternoon and took my dad's partner to his house and my dad and I went to ours but before we stopped to buy some things in farmatodo I took the opportunity to buy some candy to watch my series that has me too entertained at night.


Justo aquí empieza el lado feliz del día, les juro que apenas llegue a la casa salude a mi hija a mi mama y mi pareja y me fui a acostar junto a mi banquete jajaja, vi varios capitulos de verdad le puedo recomendar muchísimo esta serie se llama La Ley de los Audaces yo la estoy viendo por Netflix y si les gusta las series de abogados y suspenso esta serie sera para ustedes.

Right here begins the happy side of the day, I swear that as soon as I got home I greeted my daughter, my mom and my partner and I went to bed with my banquet hahaha, I saw several chapters I can really recommend this series called La Ley de los Audaces I'm watching it on Netflix and if you like the series of lawyers and suspense this series will be for you.


Lo que fue esto y ver a mi hija fue la parte mas feliz de mi dia, espero que les haya gustado mi primer post en esta comunidad, y si te tomaste el tiempo de leerlo te mando un saludo y un fuerte abrazo a la distancia.

What this was and seeing my daughter was the happiest part of my day, I hope you liked my first post in this community, and if you took the time to read it I send you a greeting and a big hug from a distance.

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