Are things not going the way you want? - Life is so... Unpredictable

I like to imagine that a lot of people have a pattern that involves waking up each day with solid plans on how to make the best out of the day. For people in this place, you will most likely be obsessed over how to make the best post that will leave a mark on your readers.

Everything can go as planned leaving you with a big smile by the end of the day.


But the important part of what we've all experienced again and again is that everything can also go a way you didn't expect. It keeps you wondering where you got it wrong.

Did you make a mistake somewhere?

They say effort begets success. Little wonder why it's so easy to see people who complain that what they get as result/reward is too low in comparison with the level of effort they made.

Do you think your reward is too light? Haha. I'm not having that. Wait till you see those that are still making effort with nothing to show for it. No success story. Just work and more work. Planning and more planning. Yet, no results.

Why are things not going the way you want? Any idea?

Let's face it;

  • Maybe you are just not good enough to achieve whatever you are trying to achieve.

  • Maybe you are getting it all wrong with your planning and execution of the plan.

  • Maybe you are not working hard enough.

  • Perhaps, there may be externalities that have a vested interest in your failure.

As we try to figure out why things are not going the way you expected, the variables will drive us far down a rabbit hole and all the variables can be correct... or wrong. We can't be too sure!

Everything we've said so far leads to the fact that life is unpredictable.


I feel like I'm onto something here because there are interesting conversations to be had about all these. But I want to focus on outlining tips on how to live your best life despite the unpredictability of life.

In everything you do, always have these in mind;

1. Be ready for challenges

I've had a plan that looked very impressive. A groundbreaking plan with a very high chance of elevating my status. One of the mistakes I made back then was that I tagged the plan as a perfect one with zero chance of failure.

That sounds like something a whole lot of people do at the moment, especially people that create new projects. They have strong beliefs and no doubt about the quality of what they are building. Of course, this is a good attribute for all creators, but don't allow that belief to cloud your judgement.

Challenges will come. You may be tipped to hit the top but challenges will end up dragging you down to rock bottom. When all these are happening, don't be too proud to ask for help.

2. Be Positive Minded

I'm always careful when I talk about being positive-minded because there is some sort of misunderstanding surrounding this. For example, when you are passing through tough times and someone advises you to be positive-minded, following the advice won't necessarily stop you from hitting rock bottom.

You see, being positive-minded is more about you, your mind and how you soak in everything that is happening around you. This reminds me so much about 2018/2019 when I had to repeat a whole year of study because of a course weighted to have 2 unit load.

When I realized that I won't be graduating from Uni with my colleagues, one of the pieces of advice that changed my life was to be positive-minded. It's funny how I still had to reseat for the exam and also missed out on getting a call-up for National Youth Service that particular year, but the positive mindset I had in that situation had a huge impact on the success story I subsequently had.

What I'm trying to say here is that you don't have to lose hope. Even if the challenges you had led to failure, you still owe it to yourself to learn from that experience. Take this from me, something good will surely come out of that experience.

3. Try Harder

If you are facing difficulties and you think you have tried everything, I'm sure you will always hate to hear someone talk about 'trying harder'. I know this because I have talked with people with similar experiences and I have also been there.

Try harder? Try again? And again?

No freaking way! We don't want to hear that! We are not having that! Not at all.

Let's be serious here, there is more that can be done in all situations. Some of the people we see as successful people had to cross a line they never thought they were capable of crossing. Do the same. Push yourself and go again and again.

I know it's never easy because with each failure comes a feeling of dejection, but as far as you don't quit trying in this world of unpredictability, you will increase your chance of getting what you want.

The table can turn.

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