Building love is better than falling in love


From the title I made, do you agree with this statement? Today's writing is addressed to my woman friends, but man friends can also read it. There is a question that perhaps this question has been discussed for a very long time, the question is; What is the role of a woman for a man?

Women do not have a role to be praised and adored, Women do not play a role to be ordered and indoctrinated, Women do not play a role to be stepped on and intimidated. But the role of women in the world is to be protected and also to complement each other. Do you agree? There may be some people who disagree, but it doesn't matter to me, because everyone has a different point of view in life.

Women have a very noble role on earth because women are tough creatures. I am reminded of a story from an Arab country that I once read about a Siti Hajar. A wife who has very strong patience and fortitude. She must be willing to be left by her husband in a barren and uninhabited land, even she has to let go of the child she has been waiting for to be sacrificed for the sake of her God.

Why is Siti Hajar able to have a patient, steadfast, and sincere nature? Because she has built such a strong sense of love. Then what about all of us when we meet love? We are faced with two choices, namely, FALL in Love or BUILD Love?

In a simple analogy, when someone falls, some can get back up, some die slowly with the pain suffered. But if we choose to Build Love, then love will be knitted to eternal.

Message to my women friends, If a man says "I love you will you be my girlfriend?" Actually, he is saying "I want to have sex with you, will you have sex with me?"

In the world of gender psychology, men and women are designed differently. Men prioritize logic than feelings. So actually when a man seduces and praises a woman who is not yet to be his wife, it is very rare for those words to come out of his heart, but rather from the lust packed by his logic. However, in contrast to women who rely more on their feelings, when a man compliments her, it is as if she drifts off to heaven, especially if the man who praises her is the man she really wants. This is where the men win by one point over the women.

Will you pawn your chastity to a man who will not necessarily be your husband? Will your beautiful and sweet face be the source of your big sin just because you indulge your beauty so that many men lust after seeing you?

Aren't you ashamed of your God who created you with the most beautiful form, not to show off but to serve God with complete submission?

Build love with authenticity, be a person who deserves to be loved. Until that love lasts

Sometimes, we are faced with two choices, fall in love or bulid in love? So, Choose to build Love. so that love will eternal. Thank you for reading, I hope this article is useful for my friends who read it. regards

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