¿Como conquistamos el mundo?/How do we conquer the world? (ESP/ENG)

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¿Como conquistamos el mundo? Saben, me desperté pensando en esto, en casa tenemos la costumbre de decir lo siguiente: Que vamos a hacer hoy? Y alguno responde: Tratar de conquistar el mundo! Con todo animo y fuerza, no lo habia notado pero tenemos mas de 15 años usando esa frase de caricatura en nuestro hogar, y no es hasta ahora que me doy cuenta de lo grandioso que ha sido incluirla en nuestro dia a dia.

How do we conquer the world? You know, I woke up thinking about this, at home we have the habit of saying the following: What are we going to do today? And someone answers: Try to conquer the world! With all my courage and strength, I had not noticed it but we have been using that cartoon phrase in our home for more than 15 years, and it is not until now that I realize how great it has been to include it in our daily lives.

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Why? Que mejor forma de iniciar un dia, una semana o un mes que diciendo que te vas a comer el mundo, que lo vas a conquistar, que va a ser tu dia, tu semana y tu mes?

Why? What better way to start a day, a week or a month than saying that you are going to take on the world, that you are going to conquer it, what is going to be your day, your week and your month?

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Con una comidita sabrosa tambien se conquista el mundo

Como hijos es normal escuchar a nuestros padres decirnos que somos buenos, valiosos o grandiosos, pero saben lo que es tener la dinamica de la frase de conquistar el mundo? Es una maravilla, a mi en lo personal, tener esa dinamica me empodera por así decirlo, es como escuchar un chasquido en mi mente que dice: Vamos, claro que si, vamos a lograr todo lo que nos propongamos!

As children it is normal to hear our parents tell us that we are good, valuable or great, but do you know what it is like to have the dynamic of the phrase of conquering the world? It's wonderful, for me personally, having that dynamic empowers me so to speak, it's like hearing a click in my mind that says: Come on, of course, we are going to achieve everything we set out to do!

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Hoy es uno de esos dias, y que genial es que sea justo un lunes, hoy es un dia perfecto para conquistar el mundo, para agradecer el hecho de que todo lo que haya pasado antes era justo y necesario para estar hoy aquí, porque hoy, gracias a eso, hoy estamos conquistando el mundo.

Today is one of those days, and how great it is that it is just a Monday, today is a perfect day to conquer the world, to be grateful for the fact that everything that has happened before was fair and necessary to be here today, because today , thanks to that, today we are conquering the world.

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Y no se confundan, conquistar el mundo no se trata de una cosa de un solo dia, no es algo que va a causar revuelo durante el proceso, es algo silencioso que toma su tiempo, pero que requiere de toda la intención y esfuerzo de la persona para lograrse, es como un juego, dia a dia vas subiendo y subiendo de nivel, vas de conquista y conquista, hasta que llegas a ese objetivo anhelado.

And make no mistake, conquering the world is not a one-day thing, it is not something that will cause a stir during the process, it is something silent that takes time, but requires all the intention and effort of the person. person to achieve, it is like a game, day by day you go up and up in level, you go on conquest and conquest, until you reach that desired goal.

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-Despertaste temprano? Check, subes un nivel!/You woke up early? Check, you go up a level!
-Trabajaste hoy en ti? Check, otro nivel!/Did you work on yourself today? Check, another level!
-Estas haciendo que tus acciones y reacciones vayan alineados a tus metas? Check, otro nivel!/Are you making your actions and reactions aligned with your goals? Check, another level!
-Lo intentaste hoy? Check, sigue adelante! /Did you try it today? Check, keep going!

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Ven? No se trata de cosas precisamente gigantescas, pequeñas acciones tambien te llevan por el camino soñado, y es que cualquier cosa te acercará más y más si no te quedas quieto por miedo a fallar.

Come? These are not exactly gigantic things, small actions also take you along the dream path, and anything will bring you closer and closer if you do not stay still for fear of failing.

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Como conquistamos el mundo? Creo que es sencillo, lo conquistamos conquistando (valga la redundancia) nuestro mundo interno dia tras dia, intencionando nuestra vida a lo que de verdad nos hará campeones o campeonas de nuestra historia, dando el salto de fé y subiendo de nivel dia tras dia.

How do we conquer the world? I think it's simple, we conquer it by conquering (forgive the redundancy) our internal world day after day, aiming our lives towards what will truly make us champions of our history, taking the leap of faith and raising the level day after day.

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Portada y separador elaborados en canva, imagenes de nuestra propiedad, captures de instagram, emojis de bitmoji/ cover and separator made with canva, instagram caps, images of our property, bitmoji emojis

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