K2-18b the planet that shows signs of life.

K2-18b the planet that shows signs of life.

At the moment the data from exoplanet K2-18b are very promising, by the way, all of these planets are named by the name of their star plus a lowercase letter to avoid confusion in the case of double stars.

Firstly, NASA is not the exclusive owner of the James Webb, this space telescope is the product of the collaboration of 14 countries and is operated jointly in addition to NASA by the European space agency and the Canadian space agency, and secondly the Findings about the planet k218b have been made public for years, it has not been discovered now as some seem to have us believe.


The spark that caught attention now was a CNBC interview broadcast in the first week of 2024, dates in which due to the Christmas holidays there is very little news, in the interview British astronaut Tim Peake was asked to speculate on the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life and said literally “it is potentially possible that the James Web telescope has already found life, it is just that we cannot publish or confirm these results until we are completely sure, but we found a planet that appears to be emitting strong signals of biological life ", was what the astronaut said, that planet he was referring to was k218b, which some are beginning to call God's Planet.


This astronaut did not say anything different from what has been announced and which is summarized in that we have found a very interesting world, with very promising data, but we need to collect more evidence to be sure, the majority of exoplanets discovered, which to date are 5572, are found. Thanks to the transit method, this occurs when the planet passes in front of its star, causing a tiny variation in the star's light, a micro eclipse.

With this method, the larger the planet and the smaller the star, the easier it will be to capture the planet. For this reason, so many gas giant planets have been found orbiting red dwarf stars, which are much smaller and less bright stars than our sun. To find out if a planet has life, the strategy that scientists use is to analyze its characteristics. We can know if it is a planet with a mass similar to that of the Earth. We can also find out how far it is from a star. in order to know if it is in the habitable zone, that is, the appropriate distance so that it has temperatures that allow the existence of liquid water on its surface, neither too close to the star to be scorched by the heat nor too far away as to be frozen.


Then we have to find out if it has an atmosphere and what gases make it up. Venus has a size similar to that of Earth and is within the habitable area of the solar system, but no one would like to have the infernal atmosphere of Venus, to know what gases make up the atmosphere. of an extrasolar planet we must analyze the spectrum of the star's light that passes through the atmosphere of that world.

It is an extremely delicate measurement within the limits of our technological capabilities, only the most powerful observatories are capable of achieving it, but once we achieve it we must also look for a combination of atmospheric gases similar to the combination we have here on Earth, with all With these data we can reach the conclusion of whether that world may have life or at least is a world where humans could live, but we can still refine this result even further, we could detect gases that are only a product of the activity of beings. alive, at least living beings as we know them here on earth.

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