Motivation - You All Should Read

We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare from those early times. But the interesting thing is that we have heard more of the 1st chapter. But there are 3 more chapters to this story. Which maybe some of us have heard, some have not heard.


Chapter 1: In this chapter the hare falls asleep, and the tortoise wins. After losing the first time, Rabbit analyzed the root cause of his defeat as 'overconfidence.' That means overconfidence is harmful to anyone.And the turtle understood, success will come if you stick to it!

Chapter 2: After losing, the hare once again challenged the tortoise to a race and the tortoise agreed. This time the rabbit finished the race without sleeping and won.The rabbit understood that if you work with your mind with all your ability, you can succeed quickly.And the turtle understood that it is better to go slow and steady, but if there is no suitable speed at work, it is impossible to win in a competitive environment!

Chapter 3: The tortoise invites the hare to race again.The rabbit readily agreed.Then the tortoise said, "We have run twice on the same road, let it be another road now." Rabbit agrees.So the new road race started. As usual, the rabbit started running loudly. The turtle also started following him.When the tortoise reached the hare, he saw the hare standing, but could not reach the end of the race. Because there is a canal before the last boundary of the race. The tortoise took one look at the hare, then jumped into the water in front of him and crossed the canal to reach the end of the race and win the race. The rabbit understood that it is not enough to rely on your own strength, but it is also very important to understand the situation and reality! And the turtle understood, first you have to find out the weakness of the competitor, then you have to plan accordingly.

But the story does not end here

Chapter IV: Now the hare called the tortoise for another race on this same road. Turtle and Razi. But this time they decided, not as a competitor, but this time they will run the race as a partner!

The competition has begun.The hare took the tortoise on his back and ran and stopped in front of the canal. Now the tortoise got off the rabbit's back and crossed the canal with the rabbit on his back.Then again the tortoise climbed on the hare's back and finished the rest of the race and this time both of them won together.

We learned that it is good to have personal skills.But real success comes from teaming up and leveraging each other's skills where everyone can smile a winner.

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