Mi sueño a convertirme Psicologa 👩‍🎓💖🏅 / My dream to become a Psychologist


.Hola querida comunidad
Todos sabemos que en esta vida la mayoria de las personas tenemos muchos sueños a cumplir.
Pues el mio amigos es llegar convertirme en una gran Psicologa.

Me he dado cuenta desde hace mucho tiempo que la mente humana es un lugar lleno de mucho conocimiento,pero ademas tiende a ser tu peor enemiga.

Leer y leer mas libros acerca de esta hermosa carrera es impresionante,poder a llegar a descubrir los comportamientos de muchas personas a diferentes situaciones y poder visualizar como ayudarlos con su proceso te deja un sentimiento de orgullo.

Desde pequeña fui diagnosticada con TDA (Transtorno por Deficit de Atencion) muchos diran,no es para tanto,solo no prestas atencion,pero a veces es un poco complicado no poder prestar la atencion necesaria,tienes que hacer una sola cosa a la vez.

No tuve amigos en mi infancia porque siempre fui muy reservada o era demasiado alegre para otras personas,cambiaba de escuela en escuela,que tuvieran una matricula considerablemente baja para poder esta bien.

Reconozco que soy muy insegura de mi misma y de mi entorno y a veces lo mejor que pude hacer es comenzar con terapia psicologica,y el dia que me sienta completamente preparada y lista para comenzar mi carrera de psicologia estare feliz y muy orgullosa de misma.


Algo de lo cual me di cuenta es que muchas personas tienen traumas y yo soy una de ellas,y la realidad es que todos tenemos algun trauma infantil por mas grande o pequeño que sea,esta alli y buscar ayuda no es nada malo,te ayuda a sentirte mas feliz contigo mismo para que puedas dar pasos con seguridad en la vida.

Cuando cumpla la meta de ser Psicologa,espero especializarme en Psicologia criminal...Asi que espero tener mucho exito en mi vida,al igual que les deseo mucho exito a todos ustedes que me leen.

Bye Bye <3




.hello wanted community
We all know that in this life most people have many dreams to fulfill.
Well mine friends is to become a great Psychologist.

I have realized for a long time that the human mind is a place full of a lot of knowledge, but it also tends to be your worst enemy.

Reading and reading more books about this beautiful career is amazing, being able to discover the behaviors of many people in different situations and being able to visualize how to help them with their process leaves you with a feeling of pride.

Since I was a child I was diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) many will say, it's no big deal, you just don't pay attention, but sometimes it's a little complicated not being able to pay the necessary attention, do one thing at a time, I had no friends in my childhood because I was always very reserved or I was too cheerful for other people, I was changing from school to school,that had a considerably low enrollment to be able to be ok,I recognize that I am very insecure of myself and my environment and sometimes the best thing I could do is to start with psychological therapy,and the day I feel completely prepared and ready to start my psychology career I will be happy and very proud of myself.


Something I realized is that many people have traumas and I am one of them,and the reality is that we all have some childhood trauma however big or small it may be,it is there and seeking help is not a bad thing,it helps you feel happier with yourself so you can take steps with confidence in life.

When I achieve my goal of becoming a psychologist, I hope to specialize in criminal psychology...So I hope to have a lot of success in my life, and I wish all of you who read me a lot of success.

Bye Bye <3


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