Over & Over Again: Growing Up With Sisters And Movies


Don't get me wrong. I love my sisters. Still do. But the way they would wear out a movie was mind boggling. Not to mention, it was frustrating enough to make this oldest boy go near crazy!

To make matters worse, awesome screenplays like Scar Face or Apocalypse Now were never the matter of my sister's attention. More often than not, I had to endure days to weeks on end of a Disney musical.

Again, don't get me wrong. I like Mary Poppins. Now that so much time has gone by, watching it would be akin to drinking Southern Comfort. Just because it made me sick back then doesn't mean it won't be enjoyable now.

Perhaps not the best analogy for a man who doesn't drink (anymore), but you get the point. And even though I could wear out a rock album, this post isn't about overplaying Bon Jovi.

Homework, Knitting, Or Just Plain Bored


As the oldest and being a boy, I spent a lot of time outside as a kid. There was also my room to escape to when I needed such a place. Inevitably, I'd have to enter the kitchen or living area for some reason or other.

Even in the garage though, the Sound of Music could be heard ringing through the hallways and into my ears. Sometimes my sisters would rewind to rewatch a certain scene/song, while other times they'd restart the entire movie/musical.

It could've been my oldest sister sitting on the couch knitting or my youngest doing homework. Sometimes they would gang up and even my mom would get involved.

"The hills are alive with the sound of...."

Thinking Back, It Wasn't Only My Sisters

Now that I'm writing about it, my sisters weren't the only culprits caught up in the act of multiple rewinds. Yes, my sisters had to wait for the video cassette tape to rewind before they could play it again.


So did all the girls in ASB my senior year in Highschool! Any guesses as to what they watched on a daily basis, every day, over and over? Beverly Hills 90210

I'd show up for class to sign in, make sure I had my signed and laminated hall pass, then scoot out of there as fast as possible. I wasn't the only one. If we we're lucky, we'd avoid any judgemental glances or spiteful words from the girls.

They always carried our weight...while watching BVH 90210.

Our Youngest Has The Replay Bug

Our little beloved autistic son knows how to play videos into the ground. He'll get on a tear with a short segment while running round the house holding his phone. We couldn't do that as kids!

It's always too loud and it's always obnoxious, though some do strike me as hilarious. I use them against him sometimes too. When he doesn't expect it I'll bust out It's Raining Tacos, Pineapple Pen, or Bunny Hop!


That drives little Logan crazy right back. He does understand and has learned to turn it down or use headphones if absolutely necessary.

Do You Know Someone Who Wears Out Movies?

Go ahead and put yourself on blast if it's you. Lol. Like I said, I've been known to do it with music. I like to think mine is in better taste, but of course I would think that!

What movie did you wear out the most? Was it a song? That works too. Let me know in the comments and....

Happy Hiveing!!


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