Communication Accommodation Theory



In the Encyclopedia of Communication Theory written by Stephen W. Liitlejohn & Karen A. Foos on Page 1 Letter A on Accommodation Theory. In the book it is explained that a sociolinguistic research conducted in the 1950s and 1960s describes a person who changes the way of speaking & language in a social context, or you can also call someone speaking in a big tone in one place, while in another someone speak in a low tone.


Accommodative Action

In our daily life we ​​will meet different people, it is necessary to adapt our speaking to other languages ​​convergence. It is necessary to adjust the language with the interlocutor in order to form an effective or continuous communication pattern, but it should also be noted that the accommodative action in question is not changing the way of speaking with an excessive reaction.

Example: If we usually speak in an intellectual environment, our speaking style must follow an intellectual environment, as well as when we communicate with an ordinary person, our speaking style must also be ordinary, avoid using words that ordinary people cannot understand.

The similarity of speaking styles in this theory is intended for positive things, in order to enlarge the similarity of communication styles. That way, there will be inner contact between speakers so that positive energy can flow, it will increase love and affection between speakers.

Did you know? Studies in this theory show that social power possessed by a person becomes an integral part. People with low social status who have to adjust to those who have high social status. This happens because those with high social status have large social capital.

Example: In Social Media HIVE, new users have to approach old users to get acquainted. Share information, and comment. If we look further, HIVE users who have little HIVE capital must go to HIVE users who have large capital so that later they will get awards from HIVE users who have large capital.


Non-Accommodative Action

An act of deliberately not conforming to the other party. This action is seen as non-convergence or can be seen by others as something negative. In Part of us there is a trait where we definitely will not give credit to people if they underestimate us, and do not respect us.


If you enter a new environment, then you must take accommodative actions, this is so that you can develop for the sustainability of your social status in the new environment. Accommodative actions can be practiced in the real world and on social media. All humans will definitely face new things, therefore language adjustment is very important for us, so that the balance in communicating can be realized as well as possible.

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