Story of the Day - Rolling the Dice

Le Cochon qui Rit

Today was not my most interesting day!

If you'd asked me last night, I would have told you that the day was gonna be great. The plan was to make my way to the dive shop and enjoy a dive after more than 3 months since the last one. All the tourism related businesses here in Moalboal were supposed to reopen today but we received a last minute announcement saying that it was delayed until the 16th. The reason? Go figure....

My first thought, was "it's ok, I'll just go to the hangar and continue my test flights and rotor balancing". Well that got cancelled too because it started raining.

So I just stayed home and started browsing the Hive a bit before an unplanned power cut meant no more internet. Electricity here is not consistent and it is not unusual to suddenly have a blackout for an hour or more.

Fixing a Slow Puncture

It's hard to keep busy around the house without power so I looked for things to do. Then I remembered that my wife needs to use our car tomorrow and so I had to look at the slow puncture in one of the tires.
I'm not very well equipped with tools at home but I managed to take care of it with what I had.

Playing "Le Cochon qui Rit with my Daughter"

By the time I got back inside the house, the electricity was back and my daughter was very keen on watching TV but it was without counting on yet another power cut. That's when I asked her to go and get her "Le cochon qui rit" (the laughing pig) game. She loves this game and it's very easy to play. All you need to do is throw the dice and obtain aces to place parts on your pig's body. The first person to complete his pig wins. She can be very competitive though so she wasn't so ecstatic when papa started completing his pigs and won the game. We played several rounds and then mama took over and decided to play hide and seek which is another of her favorite games.

Le Cochon qui Rit

You can find the rules of the laughing pig over here.

We get so occupied with meaningless things that we sometimes miss on the joys of playing very simple games.

Over and out for now.

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