When You Encounter a Current

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When you encounter a current you have to decide to swim with or against. Or when you’re at the top of the waterfall and feel the pull of the water going down - my #wnc peeps know what’s up. You know the situation - your bathing suit is nearly falling off as you swim across, you have to swim hard and you will grab onto anything branches, rocks to get to the other side. 🌊 🌊 ⁣

Like this action, we are constantly being “pulled” one way energetically and it demands an immediate reaction. ⁣

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I do not like to give credit to the “bad guys” but the stronger the opposition sometimes the greater the reaction and reform. Someone standing strong on an issue allows others to make a firm choice to support or oppose. Even if that person or entity is extremely over the top in their views- even to the point that it’s sickening to witness - they are actually pushing you to choose your beliefs and it can snap you into action. ⁣

Maybe “love thy enemy” is really just seeing the value in their extremes - and how you decide to vibe off of that is where the power lies. ⁣⚡️⚡️

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