Empty Space Matches Our Love : It's Allows Life to Exist

I look at the concept of Love through a spiritual lens by examining how the divine's relationship to the created Universe reveals properties of love and one such neglected property that I'd like to discuss today is space.

Usually when we think of loving, we think of closeness we think of togetherness, we think of merging with the loved one. However, I would like to argue that space, that separation is also an attribute of love. Space is the container of all that exists from a purely physical perspective space is the field in which matter exists.

Everything that exists materially exists in space without the container of space no life is possible it would have no place to be. So, you can see that space the field within which life becomes possible is a form of generosity. it allows life to exist therefore it's a kind of love

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Space is also useful for example it's the empty spaces of a house that we live in. It's The Emptiness of the cup that holds the drink.We build structure but we use emptiness. Without space there is little that can be done.

Space is also an extremely important component of passion. One way to extinguish a fire is to smother it space to passion is like heir to a conflagration. It's the element that allows combustion to occur, without it there is no flame of passion.

Finally space implies freedom. It does nothing to impede the motion of physical bodies through it. So, we can see that there's a kind of trust and respect in space, it suggests that you're allowed to go where your motion naturally impels you to go.

Recognizing space as an attribute of love is to understand that freedom of movement is an essential component of loving. it deserves greater appreciation in the collective consciousness. what do you think ?.

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