The day I started running

Hello guys, I came to check my steemit account after a while, I realized things changed and my friends introduced this PeakD platform, so here I am again, my first post on PeakD.
So I was smoking for almost 14 years, and it was ruining my life, I was always anxious and couldn't enjoy my life anymore, without this chemical in my brain controling me,So after fighting with myself for couple of nights I decided to quit and enough is enough, I was smoking a pack per day, So I decided to change smoking habbit with running, I stoped smoking at 14th Feb 2020 and started running,almost 74 days ago, at first it was very hard I was never run before, so I decided to use some apps to track my progress, I installed this app called Runtastic, which is a great app, right now they changed the app's name and they call it Adidas Running.
Anyways so here is my first day:
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I could barely run 1 km but my pace was good, blood veins around my head were exploding, I was almost fainting and my lungs were burning so bad.
But I didn't stop there, as you can see my progress here:
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I was running everyday and at 17 Feb 2020 I managed to run 6 km in 37 minutes, I couldn't even believe it:
Also I bought a pair of Asics Gel Kayano 24 shoes, running in a track and the shoes also listening to motivational music helped me go further.

I remember that day I promised I will go for 10k on my next try, and so I did:
Exactly the next day at the end of 1 hour and 6 minutes running I was like this:
Another first time record in my life but again I didn't stop there, on 20 Feb 2020 only 2 days later I tried again annd this time I went for 12km:
It was a good try I ran 12 km in 1h 20m but Ithen I decided next time I will try a half marathon which is alomst 21km, for this task I started watching youtube videos and learning, So I found out I would need more water and I have to keep my pace in control, so I chose to run in a circle form going up street and coming back, because of the COVID-19 pandemic the track was closed so I couldn't go there and I chose a quiet street, So I placed my car in the middle of my running path, and put some water bottles and energy drink in the car after each 3km more or less I was drinking and I finally managed to run 18km in 2h 6m:
This was a great achievement for me now it's 75 days since I started quiting, and I have a plan to compete in a marathon even, I know one even is gonna be in Turkey 6 monthes later, but still I didn't buy the ticket, I need more practice and motivation.
Anyways this was my experience I will explaine more later, thanks for your time.

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