Hello Hive, My introduction of hive community!

My name is Gzala Saddique I am 26 years. I am from irmingham, United Kingdom I am fashion designer We are two sisters.

My father is a government employee, and my mother is a school teacher. So, I belong to a middle-class family. There is a strong connection between us.

Like all parents, my parents are very caring. I think they are the best parents in the world. I also love my parents.

At night I watch T.V and play some games I like gaming and also listening songs.

In my free time, I sometimes read a few books to get knowledge. Mostly, I love to do sketching and drawing. I draw caricatures and arts. My free time passes very quickly when I am drawing.

I love my country very much. I understand the importance of a free state. I believe in giving equal rights to the people of a nation.

My parents consistently exhorted me to be perfect and clean and most likely because of this, I love to stay clean. I am partial to investigating new things and doing undertakings. I like bold exercises like paragliding, parasailing and numerous others.

One of my preferred things is eating well food. I love eating however not overabundance eating. I wear a basic yet lovely dress. I accept that ease of life lies in effortlessness.

My baby

I love my baby so much .....................................

At the point when you are another parent, no one truly discloses to you how hard it will be. There are insufficient words to communicate the measure of restless evenings you have and the occasions you will be ignorant regarding what you are doing. However, there are additionally insufficient words in our jargon to communicate the delight and pride of being another parent, the gigantic sentiment of adoration and fulfillment from being skilled with such a fortune, that is your infant. From the second you see that child and hold it in your arms, that infant will hold your heart for an amazing remainder.

Infants are conceived with no things and start off their lives cool as a cucumber. It is just when they get more seasoned that life starts to get increasingly convoluted. Furthermore, that is the thing that makes babies so astonishing, their honesty and feeling of miracle.

Infants are a great deal like alcoholic individuals. They drink and rest a great deal, make messes all over themselves and the individuals around the, and they don't appear to have a lot of power over their appendages, regardless of how diligently they attempt.

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