To the point of no return


Love is a funny thing. It comes unexpected and does the unexpected. It is just a feeling like any other and yet like none other. It makes you do crazy things and dare the devil himself. It is deep as the oceans and you could get lost in it . You may also discover who you are when you sunk deep in it.
Love is the thing epics are made of, where tragedies are conceived, a place where love laughter, and sorrow abides.

Love is an ocean.. to say love is this or that is like a blind man describing an elephant.

To quote** Kahlil Gibran ** the great Lebanese poet

When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to
Though the sword hidden among his
pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden.

##Love you to the point of no return

And I love you to the point of no return,

My identity completely lost in yours,

Entombed in my body,

Lost in your spirit,

My soul longs to be one with yours.

I search for you in the dark of night,

Arms stretching through the miles,

Longing to be cradled in your thoughts,

Just to be one with you again,

Why do I love you so?

When I know,

In that stony heart of yours,

You feel nothing;

Your convoluted mind,

Long lost in the haziness,

Of a sinister dark world,

Which consumes you,

Chains your spirit,

And kills the humanity in you,

Why do I love you so?

To the point of no return.

Hope is never-ending,

And I still love you to the point of no return!

Thanks for reading this is my first post here.

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